Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Kevemtines Day

Rather than waiting in line for two hours for dinner in a crowded restaurant full of people trying to express their need for one another, I am sitting here with an icepack on my face, and I don't feel bad about spending Valentines Day this way at all.

The first Valentines Day that Kevin and I would have, Kevin was quick to tell me his thoughts on this holiday weeks before it even arrived. He said that he thought Valentines Day was a clown like holiday, that was founded by commercial interest. It would have made me grumpy, except that he threw in as his last sentence, that he thought that people should express their love all the time. So after some gripe from me about it being an excuse to eat sweets, and have fun, he surprised me on Feb.12th. Early that morning Kevin declared that day to be called, " Kevemtines Day " and he took me to one of my favorite places, the zoo. It was rainy so it was perfect! Most people would think the zoo and raining is a bad combination, but as a former zoo worker, Kevin knew that rain made the animals wake up, and get more energy. The lions were roaring, the bears pacing back and forth, and we had the place to ourselves. After the zoo we went to eat at one of our most favorite restaurants ever," Houghbrough House. " We still go there for many special occasions. We ate steak, chicken, and their amazing chips.( the ones we try to make at home sometimes. ) The adventure wasn't over after dinner either! We took a ballroom dancing class to end the night! The class was in a hotel, so after the class, we sat in front of a fireplace in the hotel and warmed up while talking. Anyone who knows us both, knows that we both love fire, fire places, and heat.

So you are probably still wondering why I have an icepack on my face? I will get to it, but first, I must say that Kevemtines Day was awesome this year too! Grandma and Grandpa Pack took the kids for us on Sat. and we ate at one of our new favorite pizza places, Serious Pizza. It's in an area down town, where I get stared at by everyone as I walk in the restaurant. I don't let their tattoos, nose rings, or hung over hair scare me, because this pizza is SO good. You can watch as the cook throws a 4 foot pizza crust in the air, and catches it on his arms perfectly. Then you get to choose from many toppings, and watch them finish making the pizza. The salad is so yummy too. After our meal we went to a new Shark exhibit at the Dallas Museum. We both really like sharks, so it was perfect. We hardly knew what to do at a place like that without kids. We got to take our time to actually look at things! We ended the night by watching a shark movie of course!

Kevin liked our shark theme Kevemtines Day so much that he wants everyone to do a shark theme Valentines Day from now on. He wants it to be celebrated on the Fourteenth, just like V-Day, but he wants to call it " Sharkintines Day , taking the bite out of Valentines Day "

HAHAHA, It's crazy that he thinks he could re-create a National Holiday with this! Oh well, I will enjoy celebrating Kevemtines Day, and Sharkintines Day every year ;)

Oh yah, I almost forgot! I am icing my face because the only day I could get an appointment at the dentist was the day that no one wanted to go! I got a wisdom tooth pulled! Ugh, not fun! It's still better than beating the V-Day crowd, especially when you can have your own day all to yourself ;)

1 comment:

  1. you are two of the "funnest" people around! i love to hear about all the exciting things you two find to do around dfw!

    and sorry about the wisdom tooth pull-owww! i didn't have wisdom teeth ever come through so i've never experienced that but i know it isn't fun!
