Thursday, May 3, 2012

Lunch with Brooke

It is becoming obvious that a summer break is over-due in our house. Brooke has been coming home from school crying. She did cry everyday in the beginning of the school year. Crying on the days she wasn't the ONE child chosen for that day, to place her clip on the highest color pink. ( class displayed behavior chart ) Crying because a classmate said something she thought was mean, to her.

 It was when she was  chosen as the first Kindergartner " Soaring Eagle" and was rewarded in the school assembly with a certificate and coin to receive a prize, she gained the confidence that she was working so hard for.

Brooke has been coming home crying again, tears filling her eyes, because of comments her friends are saying to her. I am happy that I now have extra knowledge obtained through a great teacher to help her know that she didn't have to be that first " Soaring Eagle" to know she is special. I have made a priority to teach these scriptures to Brooke daily the past few days, and will continue everyday.

In the past, I would tell her not to be sad because her Mommy, Daddy, Heavenly Father, and Jesus loved her and that is all that matters.

But now I have some scriptures, to strengthen my statement. I have been sharing these with Brooke:

1 Nephi 17: 35
Behold, the Lord esteemeth all flesh in one: He that is righteous is favored of God, etc....

1 Nephi 17: 40
And he loveth those who will have him to be their God. Behold, he loved our fathers, and he covenanted with them, yea, even Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: and he remembered the covenants which he had made; Wherefore, he did bring them out of the land of Egypt.

I have been so impressed how much Brooke can understand these scriptures. I always know she has the maturity like a ten year old, but she has let her strong spirit, strengthen mine again, like it does so many times.

As we were reading these scriptures again last night, and I asked her if it will bother her when someone says something mean to her, after she has told them not to say that again, how will she feel?

I had said nothing about faith to her in our reading these scriptures ever, and she gave the perfect answer;

" I am going to have faith that, because I am a child of God, that's what makes it not matter if someone says something mean, because every one is a child of God, and that is the most important part."

I was overcome with joy that my little daughter could be so in tune with the Holy Ghost, that she realized it was the faith, that was the important part. Otherwise the scripture is of no worth to a person. She taught me something. You can read scriptures, but it is when you have faith in them, and in this particular scripture, faith in God's love, that his love, is what gives a person their value, then you will really be able to act in a way that shows, that you believe these things.

This conversation at my special daughter's bedside, gave me inspiration in my own life. I am so privileged to be her Mother. Brooke has such a strong testimony of her Savior Jesus Christ, and the love that he has for her. Everyday I am thankful to be her Mother. Everyday we learn something from each other. I know that Brooke will always know she is special, and not because I tell her that, but because she knows who she is..... a daughter of God, and her faith will help her to believe that her value comes from his love, not from what the world will tell her she has a talent for, not because of her beauty, her intelligence, or fun personality, but just because of her royal potential through her Father in Heaven, who loves all of us.

I went to have lunch at Brooke's school to get an idea of what may be going on that she doesn't know how to articulate. I know being able to express emotions is very important.

I was so happy to see that Brooke is still having lots of fun, and has happy friends surrounding her. I felt a little bad at first because all of her friends were so excited to see Will. I had wanted Brooke to feel important, that I came to visit her. She was so excited to show all her friends her little brother. She is so unselfish.

It was when there were so many kids surrounding us, I asked an acquaintance from church who happened to be near by, to snap a picture of this crazy sight!

I have never seen so many kids excited about seeing a baby, and about taking pictures. The kids were chanting, " Take more pictures of us! " Wow, wouldn't that be nice if they did that at the family picture appointments? Ha.

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