Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Field Day

                                     Brooke Lynne, Brooke Maddison, Sierra, Camille

Brooke had a great time at field day a few days before school got out. Will and I got to stay for the whole thing! I know the days that she begs me to stay at school with her, wont last forever...

As we were leaving I asked Brooke if she had a fun time. She said, " It was fun, but we didn't learn anything! " Ohhhhh my Brooke, I should have known she would be worried about not learning anything. That is exactly what she said when she came home from school on the first day in tears. I thought she had someone be rude to her, and the first thing that came out of her mouth, with tears flowing down was, " I thought I was going to learn in Kindergarten, and I didn't learn anything Mom. " When she was concerned she didn't learn anything on field day, I had a flash back of the first day of school, and I explained the day was just for fun, and it is good to have fun. She got over it quick...but the fact that she even thinks about that is truly a sign of how special of a child she is to have such a strong desire to learn.

 I know how Brooke feels. When I was at my first CNA course they spent over an hour talking about days we would be doing clinical and what time our lunch would be, and what the address was. After the first hour of things that could have been all put in paper and read in five min. I was feeling the same way as why aren't we learning anything!!??!!!!

  Brooke Maddison has to stay by my Brooke at all times. It's really cute how she follows Brookeee around...The funny part is that Brooke doesn't notice if Brooke Maddison isn't by her until Brooke M. whines, " Where were you Brooke? "
    Pass the water balloon was not Brooke and Brooke's game. They dropped it at the first pass.
                  Will was wishing he could get splashed by water too. A teacher eventually splashed him with the hose thank goodness...IT WAS HOT!!!!!

Brooke has no problem running in a skirt. She wore pants to school one day of the entire Kindergarten year. It was pajama day, and I had to convince her that she shouldn't wear her dress pajamas to school. She loves to wear dresses or skirts, but she knows how to play rough and tough at the same time. She can run pretty fast too ;)
 Brooke was asking when the treats time would be the whole time. She has a sweet tooth like her Mom and Dad :S
                                  Sierra, Brooke Lynne, Brooke Maddison, and Natalie

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