Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Last Day of Kindergarten

               Brooke and Ms. Lee her Kindergarten teacher on the last day of Kindergarten

On the morning of the last day of school before the highly anticipated summer, I am sure most kids were smiling ear to ear. Not my Brooke.  I am beginning to learn her passion for learning and structure, is just part of who she is since the last day of Kindergarten was a lot like the last day of pre-school. When I went to her room to wake her up the first thing she said was,             " Mommy it is the last day of school." But there was no smile. She sat up and had tears streaming down her face and said, " Mom I don't want to stop going to school. " I sat down and told her how we were going to have a fun summer full of swimming, playing with friends, and lots of time to play together." It didn't satisfy her, so the morning was full of hugs of comfort. It did help that we brought her best friend Brooke home from school with us.

Brooke mentions going back to First Grade a few days a week, at least. I am glad she loves school so much, because she has many more years of it!

Brooke's first year of elementary was awesome for her! She was in the reading program for kindergartners who could read immediately. She did great academically all together. All of the kids brought home an award that read something positive about themselves on the last day of school.  Brooke's award read, " The best future scientist ". She made lots of great friends and the fun part about it, is that three of them actually live in our neighborhood!

I asked Ms. Lee to write a page for Brooke in the children's book I bought her, by Dr.Suess. It is  called, " The places you will go" . This is what Ms. Lee wrote to Brooke:

Sweet Brooke,
There aren't enough words to say how much I loved having you in my class. This was a first for both of us. It was your first year of school and my first year at Baker. I think we made a great transition. :) Brooke you are very smart, sweet and an intelligent young girl. I know that you'll go many places in life. The sky is the limit for your dreams and aspirations! I hope you have a wonderful and enjoyable summer. I would love to hear from you and see how you are doing over the summer.
                                                                                       Ms. Lee

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