Saturday, June 16, 2012

Your Father

Brooke and Will,

                  May you never forget the expression of love that your Father gave you. Even though he is very busy at work, he came to every school party of Brooke's entire Kindergarten year, except for one.  He wanted to have a son so bad that he charted my temperature on a calendar for three months, to give it his best shot, at pregnancy sex of a male. He can be exhausted, have lots more work to do, but you will never find him on a business call while at home. You will find Kevin on the floor playing with his children, unloading a dishwasher or taking out the trash for your Mother.  As you grow I imagine your memories of your father will be quite exciting. For example like today, putting fish that you caught from the lake, into a plastic tub, with a pump attached, so that you can pick them up out of the water and hold them for a second, if you would like. I am sure you will remember rides in the wagon he made, attached to the bike. You will remember wrestling and listening to music so loud that Mommy has to turn it down every time. I know you will recognize the love your Dad has for you even more as you have children of your own. I hope you know how thankful I am that my children have such a loving father too. May you cherish the love in our home the way that I do. May you strive to always live a life that shows thanks to Father in Heaven for these great blessings.

                                                                                                                        Your Mom


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