Monday, June 18, 2012

Hairy Creature on Kevin's head

Jeremy wasn't kidding when he said that Kevin's hair was like its own seprate being. Noted in his favorite thing about Kevin ( in his birthday letter ) Jeremy mentions, " The hairy creature on Kevin's head. "

This is so true. Kevin has so much hair that he can have a quarter size bald spot and you wouldn't notice because there is so much hair to hide it. He had random bald spots like this once. They grew back in, good thing for him, he was very concerned about it.

Kevin says he has been to 300 different hair dressers ( he did the math when we were talking about it ) and that not a single one could make his hair look decent. The crazy thing is that Kevin has gorgeous hair. It is one of his best features!

I can understand why they had a hard time with it. I know from experience...
You can think you have cut Kevin's hair and suddenly pick up a piece and it's like there is a Secret Garden of hair underneath all the hair, and you notice you missed a spot!

So after a year of being married and going with him to explain to the hair dresser how I thought his hair would look best, I decided I was going to give it a try and cut it myself.

One day I begged him to let me have a try at cutting his hair. Kevin hates getting his hair cut. I can see why, no one ever does a good job. It must have been so frustrating for him! So he gave in and said I could try it. I wasn't sure why, but I found him sitting in the bathtub in his underwear ready for a haircut. I wasn't going to say anything, although it seemed hilarious, I just gritted my smile, ( I wasn't going to push my luck ) I got the only scissors we had in the house, which are standard scissors, and I began cutting by imagining how I wanted his hair to look.

Kevin stared wide eyes at scissors coming only centimetres from his eyeballs. If you have ever tried to cut very thick, course hair with normal scissors it sounds like you are tearing a piece of paper....he kept asking me, " Are you sure you aren't going to cut my ear off? It sounds like you are ripping my hair."  Also, Kevin had to time me. This is just how Kevin is, he times everything he doesn't want to do. I said, " Okay I will do this, but only for five min. " and he is not kidding. He gets a stop watch and it's like a clipping race for me to see how good I can get his hair to look in five min. He must have trust in me, watching those scissors slide past his face ;)

So as I finished the cut, and I was very proud of myself because it looked the best I have ever seen his hair look, since I had known him....

A few days later when we were talking about how much better his hair looked, he said, " But I hate how I feel sitting in the cold bath in my underpants ( that's what he calls them ) while you cut my hair." I said, " Well no one said you had to strip down to your underwear? Just wear your clothes! " He was like, " You are right! Why did I have to be so cold and watch Edward Scissor hands snip past my face! "

Since that day I have been cutting Kevin's hair for six years. Every time I cut it I challenge myself to do better.

And then Limitless became my inspiration for Kevin's hair...I was IN LOVE with Bradly Cooper's hair in the movie.

So we bought the movie and the new haircut ritual ( when I can convince Kevin to do it ), is too watch Limitless while I cut his hair. We even pause the movie so I can see his head in all angles. I love his beautiful hair ;)

I think I got the closest that I have yet, this past hair cut. Kevin told me I only had three min. to cut his hair, but I am getting closer to Bradly Cooper hair....

One day I will get it, maybe if he gives me longer than three min. ;) Oh and I probably need a pair of hair cutting scissors! I kid you not, I did this last hair cut, with child scissors!!!! NO JOKE...Kevin didn't want the haircut so bad that I just grabbed the scissors closest to us, and said set the timer, it is ON, Bradly Cooper hair.... I can see my mistake now when I see these pictures side by side...Next time I will get closer!

     This pic is old, but it proves why Kevin gets stopped and people say he looks like Bradly Cooper.

We love the movie " Limitless " I think for me it is the script being written like it came from the mind of a writer and the intense energy he has to reach his goal...given to him by drugs, unlike my drive, but I can relate. Kevin loves it probably for similar reasons too....

I probably wont watch the movie anymore. I am trying to learn to pace myself in all I do :)

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