Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Grandma Mistretta

It was obvious to me right away that the Turano boys respected, adored and loved their Grandma Mistretta. Grandma Mistretta may have even had some influence on my catch of Kevin Turano. Good thing that her and I have a few things in common ;)  After Kevin and I had known each other about a month, he invited me to come to Kansas City to meet his family. I remember his younger brother Jeff commenting during one of those first few times that I met him, that I reminded him of Grandma Mistretta. I didn't know her at the time, so I had no idea what a wonderful compliment this was. He said, " She is little like Grandma, wears those high heels all the time, dresses up and has all the jewelry like Grandma." About a year of Kevin and I being married, I once asked Kevin what the first thing he noticed about me was. " He said my eyes, and that I always wore a necklace that matched my earrings. He said he even called his brother a few days after we had been working together and told him about me and mentioned my jewelry!!!!" This was his love for his Grandma coming out, I am sure!

It has been so nice to see Grandma Mistretta every time we go to KC, now that she lives there. I feel blessed that my children have been loved and hugged by her so much more than they would have if she still lived in New York. Will just loves her! I remember when he was just a few months old he would cry as others held him, but he always wants to go to her, and he even attempted to kiss her on the lips this past trip. He puckered up and was about to go for it, but then he got shy. That says a lot if Will wants to give lip kisses with someone, when you ask him to give a kiss. Once Grandma Mistretta gave Brooke a pin and Brooke carried it around for months in her purse. She always reminded me that Grandma Mistretta gave it her.

                                                               Rose Prizzi Mistretta
                                                                   Born 12-5-1917
                                                  Married 4-14-1940 to Charles Mistretta
                                                   Attended Grover Cleveland High school
                               Children - Dorothy Elaine, Carole Charlotte, and Martin Charles

Rose enjoys playing blackjack at the casino and is an avid reader ( one book a week )
She enjoys a relaxing pedicure and manicure each month. She enjoys eating mostly vegetables, sweet potatoes and eggplant Parmesan. She loves to dress up with matching shoes, purse and jewelry.

During our family prayer Kevin mentions Grandma Mistretta by name every time it is his turn to pray. once Brooke asked him if something was wrong with Grandma Mistretta because he prays for her everyday. He said, " No, she is just special, and I want you to remember her name. "


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