Saturday, July 11, 2015

4th of July in MINK CREEK, IDAHO

         You might think going to a tiny town in the middle of the Idaho mountains would not make for a fun celebration?  But our family had an unforgettable time in MINK CREEK, Idaho on the 4th of July this year!

This small town celebration is a great tradition for the true Mink Creekers, or should I say " Mink Crickers" , as they call themselves since they say they are full of " cricks " in their necks and knees....

We arrived at the local park, only to find out that a " Candy Bomber " was going to be flying over the park in a little plane, re-enacting the act of service that changed history

" Gail Halvorsen was part of  the Berlin Airlift, Gail Halverson flew one of the innumerable C-54 cargo aircraft ferrying supplies into Berlin, then deep within the Soviet sector of control in Germany. On his days off, he went sightseeing in Berlin and shot film on his personal handheld movie camera. One on such visit, he saw thirty children lined up behind a fence at Tempelhof airport, the main landing site for the airlift.   went to meet them and noticed these kids had nothing without the aid of the US air force. He looked into his pocket and took out some candy to give to the kids who hadn’t had any sweets for years. He realized that he did not have enough candy for thirty but gave to the kids anyway; they didn’t fight for it, instead they let the ones who got it keep it. Halverson thought for a moment and decided that he would drop candy out of his C-54. The kids asked how they would know what plane was his. He replied, "I’ll wiggle my wings." This led to his nickname among the Berliners: "Onkel Wackelflügel" or "Uncle Wiggly Wings."
When Halverson got back to his air force base he used his ration to get candy, and also asked his friends to contribute. The next step was to get some type of parachute since they could not use full size parachutes and of course he didn’t want to hurt the kids. They decided to use their extra clothes and handkerchiefs. In the morning when they would do their regular supply drops they also dropped three boxes of candy attached to handkerchiefs. They would do these drops once per a week; the children were very happy and began sending the parachutes back along with letters and artwork. Their popularity was increasing and then the commanding officer heard about it. Gail was called to his office thinking he was in trouble but the commander was instead proud.
Ultimately, word reached the commander of the airlift, Lieutenant General William H. Tunner, who approved of it and ordered it expanded into Operation "Little Vittles," a play on the overall airlift's name of Operation Vittles. As news of Operation Little Vittles reached the United States, children all over the US began contributing candy, with candy-makers following suit shortly thereafter. Public support led to donations which enabled Halvorsen and his crew to drop 850 pounds of candy. By the end of the airlift, around 25 plane crews had dropped 23 tons of chocolate, chewing gum, and other candies over various places in Berlin. The National Confectioners Association donated large amounts to the effort, and American school children cooperated in attaching the candies to parachutes.
With the groundswell of support, Little Vittles pilots, of which Halverson was now one of many, were dropping candy every other day. Children all over Berlin had sweets, and more and more artwork was getting sent back with kind letters attached to them. The American candy bombers became known as the Rosinenbomber (Raisin Bombers), but Halvorsen himself became known by many nicknames to the children of Berlin, including his original moniker of "Uncle Wiggly Wings," as well as "The Chocolate Uncle" and "The Chocolate Flier."

Gail Halvorsen was Born in Salt Lake City, Utah on October 10, 1920, Halvorsen grew up on small farms in Utah and Idaho. He is also a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. " 
                                                                                                                                -  Wikipedia 

                       The kiddos loved watching for the plane that was going to drop candy out of the sky in parachutes! But, they loved to race to go collect the candy even more!

                               Brooke is with her cousin Sydney ( Amy's oldest  daughter ) and Grandma Pack, holding their collection of candy!

                            Next children and grown adults jumped in gunny-sacks, and you would have thought the prize was hundreds of dollars the way these " Mink Crickers " hopped for the victory!

                  Even my cousin Kurt, whom is also the Bishop ( Mink Creek has one ward )  jumped as fast as he could! He had to take his hat off because he was going so fast! ;) We loved watching this!

                                Johnny , Grandma Pack, Abby ( Amy's youngest ) and Jeanine

                  Johnny and Jeanine were like grandparents to me as I was growing up in SLC, UT. Jeanine always did a wonderful job of inviting my family to all of her family gatherings, since she is my Dad's sister. ( She was having her own children even when Grandma Gail Pack, had my father. Often times she was motherly to my Dad, along with his beloved mother Gail Pack.)

                                            I didn't have to convince Kevin to race in a three-legged race with me! He was all in! We made a bet with Dad and my little sister Amy that we would beat them, and of course no one paid attention to whom won, but by the looks of the pictures; Kevin and I won by a long shot! ;)

                                    Grandpa Pack ( my Dad ) and Aunt Amy ( my little sister )

                           Amy and Grandpa Pack took a rest after running their three-legged race.

It is always so fun to be with sisters! Emily and Amy ( We are four years apart ) 

Brooke absolutely loved taking care of her Aunt Amy's baby, her youngest cousin Abby.

                These are my cousin Kurt's children! We had so much fun being with the awesome Iverson family! I just keep trying to understand better what they are to my children, since they are my second cousins, I think?

                           Did I mention Grandma Pack ( my Mom ) got splattered by an egg while playing the egg toss with Sydney? I don't know of anyone that Grandma would endanger herself of getting splatted by an egg for....besides her grandchildren! ;)

The egg toss was a really fun game at this " Mink Crick-er " celebration.....

Probably nothing was as neat as saying the Pledge of Allegiance with this sweet little town.

 Probably nothing was as beautiful as watching the little old men, march in line to bring and raise the flag to the pole in honor of those sacrifices made for our freedom; reminding us of what the 4th of July is really about.

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