Saturday, May 30, 2015

A Loving Heart

I felt really bad a few days ago, after reprimanding Brooke for taking double the amount of snacks that she would need for her snack time at school.

I said, " Brooke! You do not need to eat that many snacks at school!"

I should have known that Brooke had a good reason for bringing extra. Brooke is so thoughtful of others.

Brooke said, " I just keep giving McKenzie my snacks at school, because she is really sad that she doesn't have one. Her Mom works, so she can't call her and ask her to bring food to her at lunch when she doesn't like the school lunch, like I can, so she gets really hungry. "

This is very " Brooke like" to take someone else's problem into her own hands.

Of course my heart melted and I said, " That's so nice of you to bring her a snack Brooke. I am so happy that you thought of her."

Well, what happened next, I probably should have gotten after Brooke for...but I didn't. I tend to want to give my friends whatever they want too. So I understood.

Later in the week Brooke was bringing even more snacks to school!

I didn't say anything.....

When Brooke openly explained that Elise never gets to have the "kind of snacks that she wants" at snack time, and so she told Elise she would bring her some yummy snacks from her house, I just laughed inside, because I would totally do the same thing.....

It was a few days later that I realized this may be a problem.

As I picked Brooke up from school she was really grumpy to her brother, right as she got into the car.

I told Brooke that was wrong to be mean to Will, and after she continued, I asked her what had gotten into her?

She started to cry and said, " I am just really hungry because today I gave my snacks away to everyone, and I didn't have a snack, and I am hungry."

Lesson learned for both Brooke and myself....

If you give everything away to everyone, then you might not be able to be in the best frame of mind, to give to those closest to you, or to take care of yourself, and be able to continue to give!!!!

I am, however, very pleased with Brooke's loving heart.

When Aunt Amy was in town and we visited the Perot Museum, Brooke took Sydney's hand, and read all the signs to her. She taught Sydney everything she learned...just like the sweet teacher that Brooke always is to everyone :)

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