Sunday, July 19, 2015

Go Enjoy While I Watch You

 While we were in Mink Creek, Idaho we had quite the adventure going inner-tubing. I suppose that I am just a Dallas city girl because I was very worried about letting my precious gems ( Brooke and Will ) ride in the back of a truck down mountain roads.

I was holding on tight to Will the whole ride down to the river. Aunt Amy found it pretty amusing since her and her babies are used to living in the wild mountains of Alaska where they fly on little planes with their newborn babies.

As we approached the river I had an insightful imagery come to me that I am very thankful for.

My Dad ( Grandpa Pack ), having grown up in Colorado most of his life, and of course raising us in Utah, yet never having taken us on a river before, decided at the last min. that he was not going to go down the river with us.

As I saw my Father looking at us prepared to go on our fun little river float I felt sad because I wanted him to come. I didn't want him to miss out being with us. I couldn't figure out why in the world he would not want to come?

As he told me , "  I have done this before Emily, I want you all to have fun, but I need to stay up on the road and watch from above. If you need me, I will be of no use to you or your children in the water. You need me in the truck to watch from above. Go, and enjoy while I watch you."

I felt at that moment a smidge of what it must have been like for Our Father in Heaven to let us experience our earthly life While He is  above; yet allowing us to experience on our own; watching, protecting and being available to us in the place that He needed to be.

I saw others floating down the river just having fun with out a care in the world. If we weren't missing our Father because we loved him we might have not have noticed or cared that he was watching from above in the truck?  His children and even his little grandchildren were floating down the river in his watchful care.

Because we trusted him and were looking for him we would wave a happy hello, much like we whom trust in God do in our prayers and service through out our daily lives.

As we were on our journey down the river we had more fun because we were all together with family that we loved. I watched as Cousin Kurt tried to teach us about how to know if there is a rock under the water, and I was reminded that he is the Bishop of his ward, and we have been blessed in this life with these things as well. We have family that we can connect with, and enjoy our journey with, and we have those whom can teach us; our Bishops, Prophets and Teachers; if we desire to learn more and we will listen; our experience on earth is greatly enhanced.

As we knew that we had a father watching and looking out for us, we clearly heard Grandpa Pack's voice when he called us to come to the shore of the water because we were coming up on some rapids. We followed his instructions and I can tell you that I am thankful we did because my little Brooke would not have enjoyed turning over in her tube had we not been instructed to go along the other side of the river, or get out and walk around the falls.

We were surrounded by beautiful mountains on our tubing trip. As we were floating, during the times that Brooke wasn't overly scared and when I could see Will safe in Cousin Kurt's canoe, I was thankful for the great joys that I get to experience in life in the gospel, where I am aware of my Savior Jesus Christ and my Father in Heaven in this beautiful place that He has provided.

I know without doubt that He is watching us on our journey of life. I know often He tries to call out to us and give us warning and instructions, but we must love Him enough to be thinking about and desiring divine instruction and insights in order to hear them.

Lastly, I am thankful for the insight that was given to me about the journey of our lives and just how much our Father would like to be right beside us, but that His help where He is; is exactly what we need.

                                  Brooke, Wynn Shinsel, Emily, Will, Abby Shinsel, and Aunt Amy Shinsel

                                                            Brooke Turano - 9 Years Old                                                      

                                       Here is Grandpa Pack warning us about what is ahead

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