Monday, July 20, 2015

Heritage Park and our Great Grandpa John Pack

My heart rejoiced to take my children to visit the actual statues that display their Great, Great, Great, Great ,Great Grandpa John Pack. I can imagine that he too was joyed that we were also able to visit the replica of his home that they have recreated in this tribute him as well.

John Pack was a faithful and dedicated saint that uprooted his family many a time and followed Brigham Young to Salt Lake City, Utah. Besides serving many missions, raising many children, and taking care of many wives, he was the founder of the University of Utah. The first classes were held in his home. We were able to visit the replica of this home as we visited Heritage Park.

It was neat to be there with my father Allen Pack ( Grandpa Pack ) , whom has given us this great heritage in his blood and his name.

I will forever be indebted to and deeply grateful for the sacrifices made by all of those early saints whom suffered so much in order that we could have the gospel of Jesus Christ in it's fullest.

I do however agree with President Uchtorf as he stated in a pioneer celebration in 2014 as he says,

" In the life to come, I will be eager to meet with those legendary giants who gave so much to these cities here in the valleys of the mountains. I think they will be pleased by out interest in them. I think they will be humbled by our admiration. But I also believe that they will be far more concerned not about what they did, but about what we did as a result of their sacrifice? I have a feeling they will be pleased far more by our performances than by applause, praise or parades. They will want to know if we gained anything from the hard won lessons they learned through tribulations and trial. They will want to know if their sacrifice and endurance made a difference to us and our children."

                               Brooke and Will ran to the monument with great excitement so they could see the face of their Great Grandpa on a statue....

                                                We do not doubt that our ancestors knew it......

                                                            There he is John Pack

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