Thursday, July 30, 2015

Heritage Park Highlights

 Going to Heritage Park was not just fun, but also informative. Besides playing with the animals, going on horse rides and enjoying ice cream, we enjoyed learning about the life of a pioneer. When we got to the school house we learned that in the time of the pioneers if a child was late to school they would have to wear a hat that said " dunce " on their head all day. Grandma Pack said she would just make her own that was decorated with bows and cute items which she would wear to school everyday ;) Unless it was church, work or school, I'd be wearing that hat to every single social gathering that I attend as well!

I particularly enjoyed the Black Smith's shop. I loved to see how metal items used to be so difficult to make. The Black Smith pointed out a cage that was made for the apprentices in that day. He explained that often children were sold to the Black Smith to learn the trade in exchange for their work. If their apprentice/slave did not want to work, they would lock them in the cage. Will was very glad he didn't grow up in pioneer times upon hearing this story, but he did have fun realizing that he was little enough to climb through the bars. He proudly said, " Well, I can just get out of this cage!" The Black Smith quickly reminded him that he could make a smaller cage that he could not get out of!

Brooke thought being a pioneer looked fun. When she learned the process of making clothing back them she found it to be exciting to shave the sheep and brush the fur clean and make it into thread! I wonder why she thought shaving sheep would be fun ;) ( Erin and Mommy )

Ending our visit with the kiddos cracking their own Geode open was the perfect ending for a very fun visit to the pioneer world!

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