Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Pixie Dust and Magical Lights On The 4th of July

The night of the 4th of July Kevin and I were confusing each other. As always everything was fine and both of us were happy, but we weren't understanding each other. Which we typically ignore and just move on  when this happens in our lives...

Aunt Amy really wanted to go on a double-date with Kevin and I to go see a movie with her and Uncle Andy. Of course I thought it was a great idea since it is rare to be able to have sitters and the chance to go out with each other as couples.

Kevin was pretty dead set on the fact that he didn't want to go out on a date, but said that he wanted to see fireworks on the 4th of July.

Then when we got to the fireworks I was still wondering why in the world he'd rather go see fireworks, than go on a date with me?

I should have known the real reason why Kevin wanted to see the fireworks and not leave the kids with my parents....he was thinking of the kids.

As we were watching the fireworks I complained that he wasn't holding my hand. Kevin said, " Do you really think I want to be here in itchy grass? I have seen fireworks a million times...I just wanted to show the kids a good time since they have only seen fireworks a couple times in their lives! And, I do want to hold your hand, I am just itchy. "

Haha...I had no idea that Kevin was realizing that if we left the kids at home with parents they wouldn't get to see fireworks. This is typical of Kevin to think about the children first. This is why he is such a good Dad.  I am very thankful that he is always wanting the kids to have a good time even if it means missing a date and being so itchy you don't want to hold hands ;)

The kids really did enjoy the fireworks. They kept calling the lights pixie dust and magical.

Kevin was right...we could see a movie anytime, but we don't get to take the kids to fireworks everyday.........

I think watching the fireworks was a perfect way to end the best 4th of July that I personally have ever had! :)

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