Thursday, August 27, 2015

Good Bye

                                                    Brooke and Eli truly cried sobbing tears when it was time to say good bye to each other. They both did it privately in their mother's arms......It was very sad to know that their hearts were just breaking because they love each other so much but have to say bye for awhile.

                                                 Isabel knows how to lighten up a good bye...

                                  These are the two first babies that I ever fell in love with...

                                                  Good bye for now McNeill family.........

It was worth the long route

Nightly Splash and Dessert

                                Grandpa Pack really treated Brooke and Will by putting us in the nicest Marriot Hotels available in each city. We loved swimming in the indoor pools and having a nice breakfast and dessert on the VIP level of the hotel each day!

We know that Grandpa Pack is really blessed in his success at work because he is a hard working, honest and faithful servant of the Lord.

Grandpa Pack has always put his family first. He spends every ounce of free time serving in his church callings, working at the temple, or doing things for his wife and children.

So more than anything Grandpa Pack, we are thankful that your love for God extends to action, not just a feeling, but behavior that shows that you not only have beliefs in your heart, but the works to prove it.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Fuzziwigs and Harry Potter Jelly Beans

      Brooke is my candy lover! Now don't get me wrong, my favorite food is birthday cake and ice cream, but this little girl likes even higher potency sugar...pretty much sugar in the raw - hard candy!
   From the moment Brooke woke up that morning that we would go to Durango, all we heard from her was that she couldn't wait to visit Fuzziwig's Candy Shop. She had been there once before so she had not forgotten her love of this shop, as she knew we would be visiting the Durango Square again that day.

                                               Brooke made out nicely with a lot of candy between Grandma Pack buying her some, myself buying her some, and of course she had saved all money that she had personally brought on this trip for this store in particular!

                                     We all ended up enjoying sweets because of Brooke ;)

            Now Will just got regular jelly beans...but Brooke got Harry Potter themed jelly beans                 and oh my, did she have fun with this game of - mix regular flavor jelly beans on a table with Harry Potter flavored jelly beans also in the pile, and everyone has to grab one and eat without knowing if you were getting " moldy cheese " flavor, " Buttered popcorn " flavor, or " ear wax " flavor, or perhaps you might be lucky as it seems that Brooke was often times and get...
        " lemon " flavored, which seems really unfair as the person next to you got " Vomit " flavor!

                              Hmmmmm......Brooke was all smiles in this game? Perhaps she could tell the difference between a Harry Potter gross flavor bean and the yummy flavors???????

Durango and the McNeills

                      We had a great time in Durango, Colorado with Aunt Audrey and all of her family.
             Brooke and Will are in heaven whenever we get together with the McNeills. It was awesome that Grandpa Pack rented a huge car to take all of Grandma's and our luggage, plus us in a massive car, so that we could drive from SLC, UT to Cortez to Durango where we would fly out of and end our trip with a the ultimate ending of seeing the McNeills.

While we were in down town Durango there were a lot of homeless people on the street. Although there were signs that said not to give to these homeless people Will and Brooke could not walk by them with out giving, which I think was a good choice. When we were done eating at a pizza place, we had some pizza left over. We asked for a box and let Will carry it out to a homeless person. It was really sweet to see Will give the homeless man some food. The man told him, " You are a good brother. God bless you my brother."

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Durango, Fish Hatchery

                                             Because we were flying out of Durango, CO we decided to make a day of it and see what kind of adventures we could find in Durango. Our flight was at 5am, so Audrey's family decided they would stay out there with us and show us all the fun things in Durango. This fish hatchery was fun and informative! The skin of this wolf was as long as me although you can't see it.....

                             Audrey's youngest Fawn and Will enjoyed playing together on our visit to the McNeill's house...

                                 Grandpa Pack used to hunt for Elk. Now he just hunts for cute clothes with Grandma Pack ;) 

         Me, Audrey and Grandma Pack are a better trophy than these stuffed animals, right Grandpa ? ;)    

                      Brooke and Eli are the best of friends whenever they get the chance to see each other!

                                                        Isabel posed as a black bear for us!

              Isabel McNeil was the first little baby that I ever fell in love with when Audrey had her on my birthday, May 11th! Here she reads to Will about the fish.

Saturday, August 22, 2015


                               Going to visit my sister Audrey McNeill and her precious family in Cortez, Colorado was the perfect ending to our trip with Grandma and Grandpa Pack this summer.
Telluride, Colorado is one of the most beautiful places that I have ever seen in my life. Audrey's family only lives 45 min. away from this hidden treasure or ski town. Will caught his very first fish all on his own on this trip, and boy was he proud of himself! Uncle Bryant was very patient with me as I was very scared on the one-lane road up the mountain to see the waterfall.