Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Newman Family

I have had the greatest blessing provided in becoming friends my previous Religion Teacher from BYU-I and his incredible wife Cherish.

Because Brother Kelly Newman was my teacher, he was reading many of my experiences in the gospel during my second semester of Book of Mormon teachings this past year. As he read my writings he felt prompted to tell me that as a previous bishop of his ward, and from experience in questions involving sealings, he knew that I my children are sealed to me because of a sealing to Heavenly Father still holding true.

Finding out this truth was a more than a tender mercy of the Lord, it was a life changing miracle for me. I no longer need to watch my daugther cry when she sings the song " Families can be Together Forever ", because I am able to stop her, and tell her that she is sealed to me.

Cherish and Kelly Newman are some of the most amazing people that I have ever known, and it is my privilege to call them friends.

While I we were in SLC, UT a few weeks ago this beautiful couple drove over an hour to come and attend the Salt Lake Temple session with me. It was the first time that I had met them in person, but it will not be the last.

It was the first time that I had ever been to the Salt Lake Temple and have the chance to go through a live session. I felt surrounded by love and joy as the Newman's were there with me, and two of my best friends from high school Erin and Nicole were by my side as well.

Kelly Newman even got permission for us to look at the back of the stain glass picture of the First Vision that is displayed in the " Holy of Holies " in the temple.

There was a very sacred and special spirit as we viewed this beautiful piece of art in a room that the prophet walks through weekly to get to the place where the Lord speaks to him.

As I stood in such a holy place, with such blessings of friends I felt His love and the power of His work and miracles in my life, and the lives of all of His children.

I will forever be thankful for Cherish Newman whom I look up to and admire. I will forever be thankful for Kelly Newman for the things he has taught me in my gospel questions and for the blessing that he has given me in the friendship with his precious family.

Did I mention that the Newman's have adopted seven children from Ethiopia and even being so busy with so many children they also drove Brooke , Will and I back to their home where I taught Cherish how to make the wrap bracelets that I make, and Brooke and Will had fun with their super sweet children?

Kevin was able to pick us up from their house and meet them quickly as well! It was such a nice visit and I know that it will not be the last.

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