Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Durango and the McNeills

                      We had a great time in Durango, Colorado with Aunt Audrey and all of her family.
             Brooke and Will are in heaven whenever we get together with the McNeills. It was awesome that Grandpa Pack rented a huge car to take all of Grandma's and our luggage, plus us in a massive car, so that we could drive from SLC, UT to Cortez to Durango where we would fly out of and end our trip with a the ultimate ending of seeing the McNeills.

While we were in down town Durango there were a lot of homeless people on the street. Although there were signs that said not to give to these homeless people Will and Brooke could not walk by them with out giving, which I think was a good choice. When we were done eating at a pizza place, we had some pizza left over. We asked for a box and let Will carry it out to a homeless person. It was really sweet to see Will give the homeless man some food. The man told him, " You are a good brother. God bless you my brother."

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