Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Stars are always there, even if you don't see them

                           Seeing this trio in the halls at Taylorsville High School was an everyday thing....
                    We had some great laughs, some times we were so glad we came out okay and some times that we probably didn't treat each other as nicely as we should have....but we always loved each other and time is our proof....

We will probably never forget getting chased and head butted by a sheep, the time that I almost drove a car into a playground, playing really immature pranks ( elf camp ) , being thankful we didn't die from Nicole's wild driving  while in her convertible Mustang, while she screamed in road rage, crying when Froshney was be-headed, haha, jk, but that was super rude of him, hot tubbing, skiing and snowboarding together, and oh the mustard , caterpillars, snails and getting a sibling out of jail on New-Years Eve.....
Erin, and Nicole have been such wonderful friends to me for around twenty-two years.

 They say that the best kind of friends to have are the like stars in the sky....You don't always see them, but you always know that they are there.

That is the kind of friend that I am blessed with by these beautiful, smart, and faithful mothers, wives and sisters. They have continually put up with my past impulsive behavior, disappearing off the face of the planet and searching deep and hard to find me again, and for their reaching out to find me, I will forever be grateful....I know both Erin and Nicole really worked hard at finding me when I went missing for a time.

I am so blessed and was so thankful to be able to have lunch with them and attend a temple session with them while I was in SLC a few months ago.

Now as for Kimberly Ball Hansen and Bryan Martin and his lovely bride Nikki...

               My heart is just as full for you all....

I met Kim Ball through a friend at gymnastics when I was ten-years old! I had never met any little girl that captivated me by their extreme sense for adventure, humor, and devotion to their friends when I met Kim...I had to keep her, and to this day, I am so glad that I can still call her friend.

Let me tell you something about this amazing Kim. You know how parents get bored sometimes at hours and hours of sporting events ? Like the kind where you have to watch hours of other kids performing to get to see 5 min. every couple hours of your child...

Well, my little eleven-year old  Kim voluntarily sat through hours of my gymnastic meets, not just once, but multiple times, and this is no dumb girl. Kim always had the highest GPA in her class, and even today is a Lawyer and wonderful wife, and mother....She sincerely cared about me and unselfishly showed that. I unfortunately do not feel like I was as wonderful of a friend to her. I believe I went to one of her plays, as she was in Drama, and she was in many high school plays.

Now Bryan Martin, don't worry no one will ever remember the first day we hung out and you ran into my Dad's garage door....I promise you that if anyone ever brings that up ever again you can tell them this....

number one: You called my Dad and paid to get it fixed yourself...

number two: I made you late to school so many times that everyone lost track and you were SO patient with me...

number three: You likely paid large amounts in gasoline taking me to the mall, not to mention you nearly had to go to the emergency room because I overheated you with blasting the heater in normal temperatures, while I  got mascara on your mirror almost daily....

number four: Since you were my therapist my parents didn't need to pay for one ;) Just kidding...but the hours spent over the phone listening to a girl talk to you about her life or what she was doing with her other friends was unheard of in unselfish mentions for a teenager to do for someone....

number five: You and your beautiful wife Nikki have come out to see me every single time that I have come into town and even with a new born baby and the biggest test you would ever take as a Pharmacist taking place the next day. You could have studied and you took the time out to come have lunch with us!

I think you could get away with running into my parents house and you'd still come out on top ;)

I have been so blessed in my life by all of these amazing friends! I can only hope that I will ever be the kind of wonderful friends that they all have been to me. I am amazed at how blessed I have been by you all!

We had so much fun going to lunch at the Beehive House in down town Salt Lake.

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