Sunday, August 23, 2015

Durango, Fish Hatchery

                                             Because we were flying out of Durango, CO we decided to make a day of it and see what kind of adventures we could find in Durango. Our flight was at 5am, so Audrey's family decided they would stay out there with us and show us all the fun things in Durango. This fish hatchery was fun and informative! The skin of this wolf was as long as me although you can't see it.....

                             Audrey's youngest Fawn and Will enjoyed playing together on our visit to the McNeill's house...

                                 Grandpa Pack used to hunt for Elk. Now he just hunts for cute clothes with Grandma Pack ;) 

         Me, Audrey and Grandma Pack are a better trophy than these stuffed animals, right Grandpa ? ;)    

                      Brooke and Eli are the best of friends whenever they get the chance to see each other!

                                                        Isabel posed as a black bear for us!

              Isabel McNeil was the first little baby that I ever fell in love with when Audrey had her on my birthday, May 11th! Here she reads to Will about the fish.

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