Friday, August 7, 2015

Stare at a statue or speak for Him?

Brooke, Will and I went to Temple Square in order for them to see the beautiful statue of Christ for the first time three-years ago. Will came home from that trip a bit confused as he would ask me on occasion, " Why is Jesus made of stone? " Of course that was Will at two-years old, and now he knows that the statue in the visitors center is just to help remind us to honor the life of Jesus Christ.

My favorite thing about visiting Temple Square is seeing all the people in clothing that lets me know that they are not members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or may need some time to grow into it. My heart is filled with excitement and joy for those moments that I know are taking place for these tourists in SLC, for the first time in their lives (the pricking of their hearts by the spirit for those whom will let it in ).

In those buildings feel the love of God for them even stronger than normal, and I can hardly stand not wanting to share my testimony with them, in hopes that the spirit would manifest the truth that the buildings, paintings, gardens, temple and all the surroundings  represent what the LDS church stands on- The Rock, Redeemer Jesus Christ.

This trip was so special not only because Grandma and Grandpa Pack treated us to being with them at a special place of our heritage, we enjoyed being with them, feeling their love and support in the gospel and  lastly because I was able to have an experience that I will never forget since I had their help.

Since I had help with them watching Will and Brooke I was able to do exactly what I wanted while I was there!

Rather than stare at the statue, I felt to live like the ONE that they statue was of....

I knew that missionaries on church grounds are not allowed to teach unless individuals ask to take a tour or ask questions themselves, and I had also recently learned that missionaries are not allowed to teach anyone whom may appear to be polygamist.

Well, I was careful to not be pushy, and to follow the spirit and I went to a group of women standing in a corner away from the Christus ( they were dressed in home made clothing )  and told them I was just thankful that they could come visit Temple Square and asked them where they were visiting from? I just had the desire to be friendly and welcome them to a place I love.

They explained they were there with a group from all over the country and they had never been to Temple Square, but that they were all gathered in Provo for the weekend for a church conference their church was holding.

Then one woman in her home-made clothes and a bonnet said, "  I don't anything about what this church believes? What do you believe since I am assuming you are a member? "

I was so happy to share what we believe and she was intently listening along with four other women that were with her.

I explained to her that I love everyone of every religion and I admire the fact that they would come all that way to see Temple Square because they love Jesus Christ.

She began explaining to me a little bit about her religion as I asked to also know what religion she was and it was just a neat moment to feel the connection with anyone who believes deeply in their faith of Jesus Christ. The leader of her church saw that more and more of her women were gathering to me, and he began asking me questions as which point he asked if I was a missionary of the church, I said, " No, but you can talk to the missionaries and they would love it! "

It was a beautiful exchange although he disagreed with some of the things that I said.

I know that the spirit can help recall anything that it may need to once a person has heard the words of God........

Thank you Grandpa Pack whom chased Will down while I shared my testimony ;)

And Thank you Grandma Pack and Brooke for standing by my side....I wont forget that I got the chance to share my testimony and I had the help and the chance to be there.

My camera deleted every single one of my pictures on our trip, so these are my Mother's pictures. I am thankful she took these at Temple Square, otherwise I would not have any....I take millions of pictures so it was kind of traumatic for me, but I got the pictures myself at the zoo, Heritage Park, and in Colorado, so I am thankful and happy....

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