Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Loving Activity Days

As an Activity Day leader for the past five months at church, I get to plan and hold activities twice a month for girls as young as eight years old at the church. These activities help these girls achieve a Faith in God Award. This Faith in God program teaches to follow the standards that will ultimately help them grow into women that Christ could call his own. We base activities around learning and living the gospel, serving others, developing talents, and forming habits like scripture reading, and praying. I am really enjoying working with these girls. Their enthusiasm for the gospel is inspiring.

Since summer started, my partner and I agreed that during the summer it would be no harm, and it would be great for Brooke to have some Mommy time. Brooke is now coming along with me to work with the girls. She absolutely loves it! These girls treat her like the princess that she is, and she gets the much needed attention that she is craving.

Our last activity we made bottle cap necklaces at my partners house. We also talked about characteristics that we like in others, and ones we would like to develop in ourselves. Brooke wore and talked about how we made these necklaces for days. When Brooke finally gets into the Faith in God program, when she turns eight years old, she will be very familiar with the program. She asked if I could still be the teacher, and I said, I guess we will see what the church asks me to do next. That is one thing I love about serving in church callings, the callings aren't something we get paid for, and they are not something we get to choose. A president has prayed and felt inspired that as an individual, I have something to offer to this particular program and the children involved in this case.

1 comment:

  1. My favorite calling is activity days. Those girls are lucky to have you as their leader.
