Tuesday, May 15, 2012

" I stand all amazed "

Contemplating on Motherhood this Mother's Day, I was able to figure out with in one-second what my favorite part of the day as a Mother is. I want to write it down for my children in case they forget.

My Junior year of high school I tried out for the varsity choir, even though I had not even taken choir at all, in my whole education at that point. I did take voice lessons for a year or so before I got competitive in gymnastics.

It was to everyone's surprise that I made it into the division-one choir called " Harmony" with sixteen members in it, total. We sang mostly acapella, and Jazz at city functions, and school concerts.

I do not practice singing anymore, but I do sing every night to each of my children separately when I put them to bed. After we say our family prayer I take a min. to sing a few songs to them by their bedside.

I love mostly to have their full attention, and both of their beautiful eyes staring at me. Will in my arms, sucking on his pacifier, intently listening. Brooke a little more engaged in the words I am saying since she knows what they mean. I tickle her face or back while singing on my knees. It doesn't matter if I am out of practice to them, they look at me with love, and it is so special to me.

It is my absolute favorite time of the day when I sing to them. I hope these songs teach them, and I hope they will sing them with their children.

I started with " I am a child of God " for both children, but rotate songs now.

To Will I sing, " Called to serve him Heavenly King of Glory, Chosen e'er to witness for his name. Far and wide we tell the Father's story, far and wide his love proclaim, on ward ever onward as we Glory in his name, forward pressing forward, as we glory in his name, onward ever onward as triumph song we sing. God our strength will be, press forward ever, called to serve our King. "

To Brooke I sing, " As Sister's in Zion we all work together, the blessings of God on our labors we seek. We'll build up his kingdom with earnest endeavor, to comfort the weary and strengthen the weak."

To both I sing, " I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me, confused at the grace that so fully he proffers me. I tremble to know that for me he was crucified. That for me a sinner, he suffered he bled and died. Oh it is wonderful that he should care for me, enough to die for me. Oh, it is wonderful, wonderful to me. "

I love being a Mother to these two amazing spirits. I am thankful everday for the opportunity to teach and love them.

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