Thursday, May 10, 2012

Wacky Innovation

As a kid I always wanted to work in a zoo. Being a stay at home Mom is kind of like working in a zoo, it's pretty messy, stinky, and wild at times. I am positive my reality as a stay at home Mom, is far better than my childhood dream.

Being a stay at home Mom is FUN everyday. It's a privilege, and I am baffled at why any woman would choose to go to work, if she didn't have to do it for financial reasons?

Will must get his wacky innovation from his Dad. He has been cracking me up with this bowl that he's been toting around for days. He uses it to carry things, and most of the time, it is a hat. The funniest part is that he actually cries if I try and take it from him because it is nap time.

Yesterday he saw a bigger bowl on the counter and he actually got a chair, pushed it to the counter took the bowel down, came over to me and said, " Sit Ma," and then he put it on my head, put his bowel on his head and sat down in my lap.  He slept the entire night last night with the bowl in his bed. When I went to take it from him I realized his hand was actually still grasping the rim of it.

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