Thursday, May 17, 2012

Rental Properties

Ever since I have known Kevin he has had a real estate goal. Kevin has read seven real estate books at the least. He has bought another ten that he hasn't yet read. He has sat me down and made me watch Robert Kiyosaki for two hours. I love to learn about anything entrepreneur, so I was sitting at my own free-will after ten min. I am normally a pretty easy sale...... Interestingly enough, I wasn't sold, which made Kevin only want to make me watch more....

After seven years of occasional vows that he would someday be into real estate, I was so HAPPY for Kevin when FDP lent him the money for the down payment on these two rental units, a few months ago. I was so happy in fact, Kevin even asked my why I was so happy that weekend that he closed on the land? The houses came free. The loan amount was based on the value of the land, and the seller didn't ask for anymore than the appraisal of the land.  I told Kevin, " You have wanted to get into this for so long, and I am excited for you! " I am proud of him that has gotten started and that he never gives up...

The rental units came with renters already in place, and they are CASH FLOW POSITIVE! Quick down payment pay back....

Brooke was relieved to hear Daddy wasn't buying these houses to live in them. She said they smelled funny. She was so curious about the whole process of renters and why someone would want to do this?  She was very happy to help clean them up. Brooke loves to work and contribute to our family.

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