Wednesday, May 9, 2012

so I married a magician.....

We celebrated our seven year wedding anniversary on May 6th. Our celebration the big seven, was actually on our Vegas date. We went to see a show of David Copperfield!!! The most awarded magician in history!

Kevin does enjoy his fantasy football team with his KC college buddies, and watching MMA with his Dallas friends, but secretly, well not so secret anymore ;) ...... Kevin wishes he could be a famous magician! I love it ! Kevin is so far off from main stream interests, it just makes life more sparkly when you are around him. You wont find Kevin looking up a play by play of the football game on You Tube, but you will find him playing a magician's tricks over and over, trying to catch a mistake on You Tube.

The fact that Kevin has been a magician for the past four Halloweens actually should be a dead give away about his secret fantasy. The kids at the church trunk-or-treat always LOVE the magic trick he gives, before he gives them candy. At our Halloween parties I am always most excited to see if his Magic Show will be even better this year, than the following.

Copperfield's show was really mind-blowing I do not know how he got to standing, from laying under a sheet of metal, or how in the world he got a running car to appear on stage, with- in- less than three seconds. It was fun, and crazy to see.

I recognize how lucky I am to wake up with my best friend beside me every morning. It is a huge blessing to be married to a man that has such respect for the Holiness of marriage, so much that he warned me after proposing to me. He said, " Now you know once you marry me, you will be stuck with me forever and no matter what. I wouldn't divorce you even if you murdered someone." I guess it's a good thing, if I ever accidentally run over someone ;) ha, just kidding. That's not funny....

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