Thursday, May 10, 2012

Twenty-Nine Years

Holly as always, is so tiny even in her third trimester! Nadine is my workout partner, hair dresser, and we can talk for hours, and we literally have talked for six hours straight, two days in a row.

I am honored that these inspiring women call me a friend. They are loving, faithful, and courageous Mothers who know where they place their values, and they know how to make life joyous for their families. Yet even after all the work it takes to create that joy in their home, they still find time to call or get together with me, and for that I am extremely blessed.

                                                                     Emily and Emily

It is a rare thing that I have with these amazing girls. Friendship that I can look forward too, count on,  and learn from.  I love each and every one of them, and I would do anything to be there for them.

Nadine and Holly gave me an early birthday party this year. It was super fun! Last year Holly made this funny and sweet " Emily quiz" that everyone took about me. This year her and Nadine called the party   " Favorites Party " and we all brought our favorite health, beauty or house hold item. We played White Elephant with the favorite items. It was so fun that everyone got to go home with a gift, and that is exactly what I wanted. Nadine made home made vanilla cake and cream cheese icing from scratch. She had to put her three boys to bed all by herself since her husband was out of town for work, and she had the house amazingly clean for us all to come over. Holly brought balloons, plates and napkins, and she still came, even though her husband was sick with a fever at home, and I am sure she was super tired from getting ready to move, selling her house, and being pregnant.These are great friends!

There is nothing I could give, or do to show the amount of appreciation that I have for these wonderful women.

                                  I am twenty-nine now. That is a great excuse for a party right?  


  1. Happy Birthday Emily!! Enjoy your last year in your twenties.. but I'll have to tell you 30 isn't bad at all! Or 31:) You are so very loved and deserve a wonderful day all about you. Have fun at the movies tonight with your man! So glad I was able to be part of throwing your party this year, sorry I couldn't do more, but hope you enjoyed it and had fun! I'm excited for my new beauty product:) Thanks!! Love ya!

  2. I wish I could have been there. Happy Birthday!!! Miss you tons!
