Friday, December 9, 2016

A Tooth Savings Account

While we were on our way to Tennessee, Will suddenly noticed that he had a loose tooth. Well, this was actually kind of a help. The next few hours on a flight, a three-hour layover in Atlanta, and back on another airplane Will was working on his loose tooth! Will was pulling and twisting his little tooth for so long that it came out that night! Just in time for our travels to be over Will pulled out the barely loose tooth that he discovered that morning.

I told Will that the Tooth Fairy at Uncle Allen's house was not as quick to give away her money, so he better wait until we were home to give the tooth to the fairy, in exchange for money.

Well, for the next week Will carried that tooth in a plastic bag, and not only did he loose his first tooth once, but he lost it over, and over, and over, again.... As Will carried that tooth from room to room and car to car, and he would forget it everywhere that he went! That tooth was just meant to be  lost!!

About the time we were to go home from Tennessee, Will noticed another loose tooth! Only this time Will had the help of a much experienced older cousin Landon. One morning we found Will and Landon sitting at the breakfast table. Will was gobbling up apples like they were candy, and at that sight, we knew these cousins were up to something? Landon knew right! As Will was finishing the last of his apples that Landon had cut up for him, he lost another tooth!!!! Then Will's plastic bag had two tiny teeth in it, and we lost that tooth over, and over again as well. Will was just so proud to have lost his teeth that he had to bring them around to as a badge of getting older like his cousins and sister.

As we were headed home to Dallas, car packed up and all, Will told us his idea...

Will, said, " We don't need to go home, we can just spend our money on another trip and go see Hyrum and Eli at Aunt Audrey's house. I have two teeth to give the Tooth Fairy for money."

Will felt like he had his own little saving account in this plastic bag that he kept loosing, and he was planning on turning his teeth in each time that he needed more money!

Grandpa Pack said, " Will, you might be able to go to Aunt Audrey's house by losing teeth, but you will have to get a hammer and knock out all of your teeth, and then turn them into your rich Tooth Fairy."

We saw Will's little face imagining this with shock as he said, " No! I need my teeth to chew! "

Will carried that plastic bag with two little teeth everywhere, and eventually that baggy got lost too....

I told Will, don't worry, the Tooth Fairy likes us to loose things...Just write her a note and she will be so proud of you for not only loosing your teeth, but for loosing the baggy that contained them as well!

Will was convinced that I was right when his note got him $10 per tooth back at home, in McKinney.

Boy, the Tooth Fairy at our house must not wear very tight clothing, I think he wears pants instead.

                                                        Landon and Will playing Legos

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