Thursday, December 1, 2016

Addylen Faith

/When Uncle Allen invited us to have Thanksgiving at his house this past Summer, we had no idea the treat that we were in for, as we did not know that he and his wife Sarah were to have a new baby by that time of year! It was a great blessing to be able to go to meet Addylen, my newest niece, and very special little girl that has already brought so much joy and unity into the lives of the Pack family.

Addylen Faith has been a blessing of faith as our family has united in fasting and prayers for some of Addylen's health conditions.

We have witnessed miracles of healing in a cleft lip that shows as only a scar on her little lip, as proof that God is hearing and answering our fasts and prayers.

We have witnessed miracles of original heart problems detected in her little heart that has  miraculously disappeared to the point that the cardiologist said she never needs to go back to him again because her heart is perfectly healthy.

I know that we will continue to see healings, blessings and the hand of the Lord strengthening all of our faith during our mortal journey with Addylen whom came to bless our family.

Addylen is a very sweet baby that smiles and reminds us all of God's plans and love.

Mommy, and Uncle Allen are seven years apart in age 

Because Uncle Allen was named after Grandpa Pack as a Allen Paul Pack Junior, Mommy grew up calling Uncle Allen, " Paul ". It is funny to see Brooke and Will not certain what they should call their Uncle Allen, since I still call him Paul.

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