Sunday, December 18, 2016


A few weeks ago as I was telling Will that we would be going to Mexico for Christmas he informed me that he was excited but that he was " never going to go into the ocean in his life."

This was cause for concern because when Will decides something it is hard for him to budge from
changing his mind.

I showed him pictures on my phone of last time we were in Mexico and how happy he looked in the ocean, and we talked about how fun it would be.

When we went to Will's school Book Fair and he picked out a book about sharks to buy, the reason he was so determined to not go into the ocean ever, became obvious.

Will wanted the book about sharks because he thinks they are cool, and he likes to think about the stories about shark attacks, but he had decided the best way to never get attacked himself, would be to never go into the ocean in his life.

I convinced Will that sharks are only in the deep part of the ocean, and his Dad being the proactive Dad that he is, decided we should put Will back in swimming lessons before we left for our trip.

I was thrilled to see that Will changed his mind about going into the ocean, and I was so happy to see him so happy, yet a bit scared( as you will notice ), as Will went into the ocean for the first time, after being intrigued and informed about sharks! 

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