Sunday, December 18, 2016

Jesus's Birthday

                                      A family tradition that I personally started for Brooke and Will has been
                                           a teaching experience every year at Christmas time.

                                Each year we make a cake for Jesus's birthday celebration.  
                                 This year we made cupcakes out of Brooke's cupcake maker that she
                                    received for Christmas last year.

                                      It is a great reminder to Brooke and Will about what Christmas is really for.

While we mix we talk about Jesus and how He blesses our lives everyday.

                                     Will said as we make the cupcakes this year,

                                                     " We have to use white icing, because Jesus is perfect."

                       And, Brooke said, " I have to use special ingredients ( extra sugar and honey ) for
                                   Jesus's cake, because He is special."

                               Before we eat Jesus's cake each year, we sing for Him with candles. We sing " Silent Night", and then we eat the sweet, sweet cake, to remember the gift He has given us of His Atonement.

After we had this little family lesson this year, Grandma and Grandpa Pack gave us our gifts early since we were both going out of town this year.

( Kevin does not always like to take pictures, but he was kind to take them for us. :) )


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