Monday, March 2, 2015

Am I all Clean? ZzZzZzZzzzZZ

Have you ever been so tired that you fell asleep right as you got off the toilet and didn't even have enough time to pull your pants up before you started snoozing?

Well, that's what happened to Will a few weeks ago. Will sometimes asks me to double check if he wiped good enough after number two. He comes and finds me with his pants down and says, " Mommy, am I all clean? "

I did hear Will call my name, and knowing he was on the toilet I went to find him...
But when I got to the bathroom I found him fast asleep with his pants down!

Wow...Will must have been so tired that day! I put a blanket on him turned out the light and had a good laugh imagining him looking at the picture when he got older! :)

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