Monday, March 2, 2015

Book Worm, or should I say Brooke Worm?

Anyone who knows Brooke knows that she has a passion for reading. Brooke has at least three books in her bag at all times. She doesn't just carry these books. Brooke is reading so much that I have to pull her away from her books just to come back to reality for a bit. In the last three weeks Brooke has read the first three Harry Potter books. She begged me to take her to library today to get the fourth book. I suggested we read some other books for a couple days, at which time she frowned and asked why? 

When at Grandma Turano's house early this fall Brooke had her eyes on all the furniture that Grandma had in her garage. When Grandma Turano asked if we liked anything there, Brooke was so happy, because she had already told me when seeing this desk, that she would want one someday.

Grandma was thrilled that Brooke wanted her desk that she used in college! This desk was a gift from her Mother and Father, just before she left to college. 

You would never believe that this desk was purchased in 1958! It looks brand new!
You also would never believe what kind of a nice friend that I have whom offered to sand and paint the whole dresser/desk for me and would not accept any money for her work although she has three small little boys of her own to care for!

My neighbor and good friend Marie was so sweet to get this desk ready to match Brooke's room. 

Brooke is in heaven with drawers full of her favorite books, and a place to store all her writing tools and note books. For anyone who knows Brooke, they also know she is a collector of small organizational items, like paper clips, book marks, markers, erasers and pencils. 

She really is a blessed girl to have a Grandma whom loves her so much, and I am so blessed to have a loving Mother-in-Law, and friend.

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