Sunday, March 29, 2015

Mommy Caught The Bunny!

We have had three or four bunnies sitting in our front yard nightly for over a month now. If you know us, you know that we can't just see an animal - we have to lure it in to pet it. So, I challenged Kevin to try and catch the a bunny for us. He took it seriously and I thought for weeks how fun Kevin was being with the kids as he was daily modifying his rabbit trap and letting the kids put the food in it - in order to catch a bunny.

Kevin's trap wasn't being successful and if you know me, I tend to lack patience in unusual areas of my life. Then there is the fact that Kevin and I like to make our bets- so I bet Kevin $20 if he couldn't catch the bunny within the next few days.

Well, the next night when I was talking with Kevin and I reminded him that he was shortly going to lose the bet - he asked me why I cared so bad, he was planning to eat the bunny he caught! He said that his good friend and him across the street were planning to roast the rabbit that he caught, since his friend is a hunter and has cooked rabbit before.!

All my sweet affirmations of Kevin's desire to please my children flew out the window, and I took matters into my own hands as I usually do.....

The next morning I told the kids that I had a surprise for them and we were going to trick Daddy!
They thought my plan was hilarious! They could not stop chuckling as their Dad started to set the bunny trap for the day...

A few hours after the trap was set that day, they ran into the house and said, " Daddy, you caught a bunny! Come see! " ....

Well, really Mommy caught a baby bunny at the pet store ;)

                            AND THIS BUNNY IS NOT GOING TO BE DINNER!!!!!!!!!

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