Monday, March 16, 2015

True Treasures

Brooke and Will, I have kind of had to learn the hard way in a lot of ways in life. Brooke you will see pictures of me with medals around my neck, and holding you as a baby, as I am all sweaty and gross. You all might come across some professional pictures of me or see them at your Dad's office. I used to think things like that were the key to feeling happy in life. Succeeding or conquering a goal. 
I want you to know that there is NOTHING in this world that can give you the pleasure and the joy of what I get to experience by serving Him daily in the gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. 

For weeks I have had this letter from some amazing Sister Missionaries sitting on my dresser. I thought I will just hold it dear in my heart, but today I needed to share it with you and anyone who will or can listen to me as I say that these things are the things that make me happiest in life.I have tried a lot of ways to be happy- I promise you that there is no satisfaction like the satisfaction of knowing that you are showing God that you love Him and that you are thankful for His son, that he allowed to suffer for us all to come back to Him, if we will?
To know that I have helped young ladies who have the same goals, the same mind set and desires is better than any feeling of winning any race. The friendships that I have made with them as I have shown them that I love them never fade, as someday those medals will. 
The lives that they are able to touch because of the support that I want to give them and try my best too is incomparable to subjective views about a persons appearance. 
Nothing can feel as good as being part of " Bringing to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." 

This is a treasure of mine, that I hope you will believe me when I say:
Lasts longer than any moment of athletic success, fills the heart with love of God, fills the soul with great feelings from the Spirit and the knowledge that you are pleasing Him does not compare to any other feeling in the world. 

If you are like me you will seek deep and far for joy in your life.  You will demand it and accept no less than great joyous adventure each and every single day. You will know that one day without smiling is a failure of a day. You will eventually learn that the only smile that counts is one that lasts because it travels from person to person whom hears of His Glory, and then even angels rejoice because of it. 

I trust that you will believe me, and not choose to have to learn things the hard way.

Here is one of my greatest life treasures:

Sister Turano, 
We just want to let you know how much we love you.You are the best missionary that we have ever seen! Your testimony is so strong and others can see that you really do what you say and that you mean what you say. Sister Turano you are not only an example to our investigators but you are a really big example to us! We look up to how well you know the Bible, how strong your testimony is, how you work hard going to school, how you are such a cute Mom, and so much more! Sister Turano we talk about you daily and say if everyone was like you we would not be missionaries. Thank you, thank you! Let us know if there is anything that we can do for you. We will be praying for you and your family! We love you!

Sister Vail and Sister Rust D&C 6:36

Texas is the best!

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