Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Secret Meetings

Yes Brooke, I broke the rules and I snuck into your " Secret Club House " . Someday when you read this book you will thank me for being your paparazzi . You will get a smile out of yourself the way that I get too daily...

 Last week was  Spring Break. Brooke held what she calls " daily meetings " everyday with Will. She quizzed him on his numbers, shapes and letters, she let him choose a book and read it to him, then  she chose a book, which is always the scriptures...and all in a corner and she calls it their " secret meeting".... lastly, they play a made up game together.

As parents you imagine your children realizing someday how hard it was to raise them. I don't have to wait for Brooke to understand this...I  know all too well how she felt as I heard her say loudly, " Will sit's time for shapes." " Will!!! SIT Still! We are having our meeting." She was incredibly patient with Will. She was upbeat and fun..and oh my goodness, Brooke came up with this all on her own. Can you imagine how my heart melted when I finally did get to see what all she had tapped to the wall? This week it isn't spring break; but Will still asks daily if they are going to have their " Secret Meeting". 

                                                         Reads in Brooke's writing :
                                                              List of Members
                                                          1. Brooke Turano Leader
                                                         2. William Turano member
                                                        3. Natalie Stone ( Brooke's best friend ) Common Visitor

     Reads : Where every day is fun - Brooke and Will's Club House and little school hide out

                                      Reads : Learning is cool when it's combined with fun!

              Reads : Stripling Warriors - Do good for God and pray because their Mom's taught them

                      Brooke is reading Will a book and is not happy I am invading with my camera!

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