Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Too Smart For His Own Good

As a Mom it can be easy to wonder if anyone notices how much work you are doing....

              As a Will's Mom sometimes it's hard for me to know if Will is pulling my leg. Will  is really really smart, and I am really really gullible.....

Will was telling me the other morning that he wanted this Power Ranger mask that is a prize at Chucky Cheese.

I gave Will my normal speech about how it's so lucky when he gets to just be able to go to Chucky Cheese, and that he doesn't need to buy toys from there.

Will of course as a four-year old asked, " Why don't I need toys from there? " And I gave my normal speech about how things cost money, and we have all we need.

Then Will says, " Well, I have money." He hold out two quarters.

Then Brooke says, " That's not enough money for anything Will! If you want more money, you are going to have to work for it!"

So here is where either my leg is being pulled, or Will notices more than anyone in the house?

Will said, " Well, mommy has lots of money."

I said, " Will, why do you think I have lots of money? "

He said, " Because you work all the time. You must have a big pile of coins somewhere."

I said, " Really? What work do I do? "

Will said, " You keep cleaning everything all the time, and the sick people at your work, and home work everyday."

I was in shock! Was Will really smart enough to compliment me like that for a toy?

Well, I will let you decide with the rest of the comments made during that week.

One night I was putting Will to bed and I reminded him to say his nightly prayer. I have to stay with him while he says it or he wont do it.

Will began complaining and said, " But I don't know how to pray Mommy."

I knew Will knew how to pray, but I decided to just have fun with him rather than reprimand.

So, I said, " Will lets play the prayer game. "

I taught him the plan to make a prayer sandwich by starting with one piece of bread as Dear Heavenly Father, then the meat, of thank you for this and this, etc... and then the cheese of please help this person and this person, and then the mustard of sorry for doing this, and please help me to know what to do better, and end with the last piece of bread that says, " In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen."

Well, Will upon hearing the game said, " What does praying have to do with food Mommy? "

I said, " Will it is just a game."

He then surprised me again! He said, " Oh, I know how praying is like food! It's the bread of life."

I thought, does Will know that scripture? Surely he doesn't remember that scripture?

Then, he said, " Mommy, you know Jesus is the bread of life. You must not have seen that church movie."

That's not all...the next day Will asked me how the lights work? He said, How does the light get to the light bulb from the light switch? I tried to explain electricity the best I could, and then just decided I better keep him safe, because I just told him there was power in the wall, and in the outlet. If you know Will you know he is always seeking to get special powers. So I said, " But, Will if you stick something in that power socket in the wall you will die. So don't do it."

Will quickly responded, " Well, Mommy, that's okay if I die, because I will just resurrect like Jesus did."

Then I tried to explain the Resurrection of those who die wont be for a long time and that I didn't want to wait that long to see him again.

So Will;s response was, " Well, I didn't want Jesus to die either."

Now is Will too smart for his own good, or what? But then again..is he? He told me today that a fly kicked his eye seven times yesterday????

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