Sunday, March 29, 2015

Easter Time Tradition

Every year at Easter time we go to one of the more run down nursing homes in our area .

                   Brooke and I make paper tissue flowers all week and we try to remember how
                   fortunate we are as we make a simple gift for those whom need some love and
                   cheering up. This year Brooke was even more excited about making the flowers
                    since she is older and getting much better at it!

Will loads his shopping cart with the paper tissue flowers and he becomes the littlest, and most handsome flower delivery man that there ever was - in my opinion ;)

It is always such a sweet experience to see these hearts lifted by the thought of a child making them
such a simple gift as a paper tissue flower, and as they don't get to get out of the home, seeing little children dressed in their Sunday best is a special treat for these sweet souls.

This year one of the patients that I had taken care of at the hospital was in the home! She remembered me taking care of her, and she was thrilled to meet my children and husband. I was so happy to see she had gotten so much better. She could actually speak now, as she couldn't when I took care of her. She had to write everything down. She also was able to tell me that she now can take 28 steps, and is hoping to go home soon.

I didn't get a picture of her because Kevin and the kids didn't last talking with her as long as I wanted too ;)

It is always such a blessing to be able to love those whom might not have their own family around to show them love.....

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