Sunday, March 1, 2015

Brooke's Ninth Birthday

Brooke showed her practical and ingenious side this year when she requested an unusual birthday present. Brooke requested this gift  knowing before hand that it is expensive, so upon the request she wagered that she would have a smaller birthday party than in past years in order to be able to obtain this item; and said that she would only invite a few girls over instead of going " mock skydiving " as her Dad suggested for her birthday this year.

Kevin asked lots of times if she was sure she would rather get this item than fly in a tunnel of air with a couple of her friends.

Brooke was too smart for momentary pleasure...

She asked for a new robotic litter box for one of her best pals, and cat Juma.

Since Brooke's job is to clean the litter box, Brooke was thinking ahead with this gift. Which I personally loved to reward her for being so practical and proactive about something that would help her in her daily life.

Feb.15th, the special day that Brooke was born was on was a Sunday this year. We had fun going to Grandma Pack's house, where Brooke was spoiled as could be by Grandma and Grandpa Pack. Grandma had Brooke's favorite food pizza for her for dinner, and I made Brooke exactly what she requested for her cake. She requested the ice cream cake that I make with cotton candy ice cream and pink wafer cookies that she loves around the ice cream!

Brooke got to have her robotic litter box that Mom and Dad gave her that day, and Kevin picked up a few other surprise gifts that I had nothing to do with...

Thank goodness Brooke isn't affected by being over loved too much...or so it appears thus far in her life!

              Too bad Brooke was feeling sick this day! She didn't get to enjoy the ice cream as usual!

Look at Brooke's face when she saw the gift that Daddy gave her! It was a package of whoopee cushions! What do you expect Daddy? Brooke's not a gross girl? ;)

                   Brooke is blessed to have a stylish Grandma whom likes to take her shopping!

                                       I surprised Brooke with a unicorn necklace :)

   Grandma Pack surprised Brooke with her own camera and digital frame, besides all the other gifts that Brooke chose out!

                     Brooke has more bags and purses than any girl I have ever known!

         Brooke, you are growing up too fast! We are so blessed to have such a wonderful girl with the love of God that you have! I am sorry your friend party got cancelled this Friday because of snow, but don't worry next Friday will be here very soon!

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