Friday, March 20, 2015

Grizzly Adam's and Kevin's Crush

This Spring Break we took one day to do something fun with the kids. I still had school and Kevin had tons of work to do, but we really wanted to do something fun for the kids before they went back to school. We took our Sat. that we had free, and went to GW Zoo in Oklahoma. As you know our family doesn't do traditional zoos anymore. We have spoiled ourselves and our kids with too many animal encounters that they just don't compare to all these crazy zoos that you can find in the middle of no where; where the people are even weirder than we are.

Kevin was so proud of himself on this day! We ordered the CD of pictures that the photographers on our tour took of everyone because it was one of the best days of Kevin's life. JK, but he was very pleased with himself because we got so much attention from the owners and famous visitor for the day: Grizzly Adams???? Oh and they were filming a TV show while we were there....

Grizzly Adams was visiting the day we went to this exotic animal rescue zoo, and he called Kevin right out of the crowd. In mid sentence and said on microphone to Kevin, " Good job kid, you have prettiest blue eyes." I personally don't even know who Grizzly Adams is, and I purposely don't care to find out because I am teasing Kevin about how happy he was about a famous man was complimenting him.

So, the owner of this zoo thought he was so funny, and he actually was funny making jokes to the crowd here and there...He got a smile out of me, when he called Kevin and I out of the crowd as a couple and said we needed his business card, but when I saw this was in inappropriate joke you can see that my face changes quick!

My face change is funny, but not what he said.............

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