Saturday, May 30, 2015

A Loving Heart

I felt really bad a few days ago, after reprimanding Brooke for taking double the amount of snacks that she would need for her snack time at school.

I said, " Brooke! You do not need to eat that many snacks at school!"

I should have known that Brooke had a good reason for bringing extra. Brooke is so thoughtful of others.

Brooke said, " I just keep giving McKenzie my snacks at school, because she is really sad that she doesn't have one. Her Mom works, so she can't call her and ask her to bring food to her at lunch when she doesn't like the school lunch, like I can, so she gets really hungry. "

This is very " Brooke like" to take someone else's problem into her own hands.

Of course my heart melted and I said, " That's so nice of you to bring her a snack Brooke. I am so happy that you thought of her."

Well, what happened next, I probably should have gotten after Brooke for...but I didn't. I tend to want to give my friends whatever they want too. So I understood.

Later in the week Brooke was bringing even more snacks to school!

I didn't say anything.....

When Brooke openly explained that Elise never gets to have the "kind of snacks that she wants" at snack time, and so she told Elise she would bring her some yummy snacks from her house, I just laughed inside, because I would totally do the same thing.....

It was a few days later that I realized this may be a problem.

As I picked Brooke up from school she was really grumpy to her brother, right as she got into the car.

I told Brooke that was wrong to be mean to Will, and after she continued, I asked her what had gotten into her?

She started to cry and said, " I am just really hungry because today I gave my snacks away to everyone, and I didn't have a snack, and I am hungry."

Lesson learned for both Brooke and myself....

If you give everything away to everyone, then you might not be able to be in the best frame of mind, to give to those closest to you, or to take care of yourself, and be able to continue to give!!!!

I am, however, very pleased with Brooke's loving heart.

When Aunt Amy was in town and we visited the Perot Museum, Brooke took Sydney's hand, and read all the signs to her. She taught Sydney everything she learned...just like the sweet teacher that Brooke always is to everyone :)

Planning His Future

Will is only four-years old, but lately he seems to be wishing he was twenty-five!
   Over the past couple weeks Will has been planning his future! It's quite impressive that he has been thinking about these kinds of things, and letting me know what I can expect from him, is even more surprising!

We were at the bank a few days ago and Will said to me, " Why did you talk to her Mommy? She is a stranger." I said, " Well, I am a grown up and grown ups have to talk to strangers."

Later in the day Will explained to me, " Well, I decided that I am going to be a Police Man when I grow up because I don't want my friends to not talk to me anymore. Police Men are good guys, so the kids can talk to them."

Apparently Will was imagining growing up himself, but hadn't considered that his friends would grow up too!

A few days later, as we were driving in the car ......

Wills said to me, " Ugh Mommy I can't close my eyes! "

 I said, " Why can't you close your eyes? Are you tired? "

He said, " I wont be able to learn how to drive if I close my eyes! If I can't see how to drive, then I wont be able to drive when I grow up! "

I said, " Will it's okay if you are tired. Just close your eyes."

 He said, " I am not tired! I can't see because of the sun in my eyes! "

I guess Will needs some sunglasses so he can continue his driving course! The only problem is, if you know me, you know that I am not the best driving instructor! ( driving over curbs )

Will has made it known almost every other day this week that when he gets married he is not going to kiss his wife.

 I have no idea why Will is thinking of getting married, because I don't talk about that...but I have learned one thing from this...Will has been putting up with my kisses.

 Apparently he doesn't like them!

 When I asked why he doesn't want to kiss when he gets married, he says, " I just do not like getting lip gloss on me! I am not a girl and it's wet! "

Will....I am so glad this is written down now! ;)  I will be pulling this out when you are a teenager, so that I can remind you how you don't want to kiss girls!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Holly Duenas

I received an un-expected visit on my actual birthday, and it just made my day because of who it was at my door with flowers! One of my best friends Holly came by for a visit, even though she is the Mom of a new baby, and has six children! She truly brought a huge smile to my face....I know what kind of sacrifice that was for Holly to show me love like this...and it really meant a lot.

 I am so happy that Holly and I we were able to get together for my birthday. It was so fun to have one on one time with her, since she couldn't be at the bigger gathering..... Thank you Holly for your example of being a wonderful Mom. Thanks for always being so patient with me, and for always loving dessert with me! Holly is awesome to eat dessert with because she loves it as much as I do! No matter what, Holly and I always have tons of fun together when we are together...We were for sure meant to be friends ;)

Holly Duenas has been my friend for about six years. The kind of friends that you know will always be there, and that knows your weaknesses, but sees the best in you anyways, are a treasure and a blessing.

I love you Holly Duenas! :)

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Mommy's Birthday Present

It was the day we were celebrating Mommy's Birthday. Daddy doesn't like taking family pictures, so Mommy knew if she wanted one, it would have to be a special occasion. 

The morning of the shoot was more than rainy...It was a flash flood warning, high wind advisory, kind of storm....

I thought my chance was ruined to get my most special family together for a picture on my birthday.

When the sun came out in the afternoon, it actually was like a gift to me. I considered it a gift from my Father in Heaven, in all honesty ;)

But, then there was Will.....

Why is it that kids can be so happy all day, and the moment you go to take family pictures, it's like you are asking them to eat vegetables?

               If you know Will at all....this is a very familiar face......and I hear it's hereditary ( uncle Jeff )

    Still not wanting to give Mommy a gift, that little stinker....but he's gorgeous even when he is grumpy!

                             Okay, see's not so bad, is it? Daddy, you too! It's not so bad???

                              And, we got it!!!! YAY!!!! We do have a picture perfect for our wall!

                                     Oh my goodness! Is that a smile Kevin? I think it is!!! ;)

                      There is my McDreamy, that's what they call you in the grocery store, right Kevin?

                                OH, my princess Brooke....You are even more beautiful on the inside....

                     Mom and Dad - And our expressions really do present our personalities quite accurately ....

                                       That's us!!! Aren't you glad I made you all do this????

                                                   Kevin 45, Brooke 9, Emily 32, Will 4
          ( Actually Kevin, are you 45, or 46? I lose track, and I don't care about your age, so stop worrying about it! )

                                           Brooke, your future is unimaginably bright.....

                                              What a great birthday present! Thank you Kevin!!!!

                                                    I was telling Kevin a joke in this picture....
                 Will decided pictures aren't so bad, but he's really concentrating on it. I think he's trying to remember how to put on a forced smile ;) I am so glad you ended up trying to make me happy Will!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Will Makes Me Laugh


If I didn't know better, I'd think you were the Tooth Fairy yourself, the way you kept begging me to get my wisdom tooth out after I mentioned that it was hurting. You were so interested in which tooth it was that was so " wise" and going to come out of my mouth. You kept asking me, " Show me what tooth they are going to take out."

Well, when we got to the dentist office, because I wanted to talk to them about taking my wisdom tooth out....although you were sitting in the waiting area with Brooke, and as I left you, you seemed content with the show that was playing on my tablet....You suddenly were in the room with me, and you had not come to talk to me, but talk with the dentist! You said to her, " I really need my Mom's tooth after you take it out. I am going to give it to the Tooth Fairy."

You are so smart Will. You are confident that you almost know every question that you could ask a prophet if you met one.

As we were driving in the car a few days ago, you blurted out randomly, " I really love the prophets Mom." I said, " I do too. " You said, " But, I really want to meet one." I was so pleased that you were fantasizing about meeting a prophet, and not about meeting someone like Spider Man anymore.
I decided I loved this conversation, and I wanted to know more. I asked, " So, Will if you could meet a prophet, which one would you like to meet? " You said, " Well, Captain Moroni, or Nephi." I said, " Which one? " You said, " Nephi, he's the best, he got the plates." I said, " I love him too...what would you ask him? " You were unusually silent. I did not realize you were really pondering this until you told me your answer.

Because it was silent I said, "Well, would you like to ask Nephi how he got the plates? " You said,     " No, I know how he got the plates...He prayed, and God helped him." I said, " You are right! Do you want to know about the ship that he built? " He said, " No, he doesn't know how to build it, God showed him."  At that point I was feeling like a dummy...I was thinking your little head was probably saying "Duh Mom, can't you think of something I don't know, that I could ask the prophets? "

Well, then I knew I wasn't dumb, because you, my offspring, and you asked  the most intriguing  question..

Your silence stopped, and you said, " I would ask Nephi what his last name is? "

You are so thoughtful Will. After a trip to the library with some friends this past Friday, we were driving home in the car. You asked me, " Mommy, how do blind people read? " Why you were thinking about blind people I do not know? But, I was glad to explain that they could read with bumps that were put on a page to form letters, and it was called Brail. You had never heard this word, and you were very bothered that you didn't how to say it correct. You kept asking me over and over to say the word, and asking where to find it. I finally diverted you, by telling you that mostly blind people just listened to books on CD.

Every day you remind me of how special and thankful that I am to be your Mom my dear sweet Will. I love everyday that I get to spend with you, and by the way, I brought my pulled wisdom tooth home for you yesterday. You said, " The Tooth Fairy is going to know that's not my tooth." I tried to help you out Will ;) I told you she wouldn't mind, but you were dead set on not liking how my tooth looked and you knew for sure that the Tooth Fairy could not be fooled because the tooth is so much bigger than yours, hahaha!


Thursday, May 14, 2015

My Thirty-Second Birthday Party

D&C 88: 40 :For intelligence cleaveth unto intelligence; wisdom receiveth wisdom; truth embraceth truth; virtue loveth virtue; light cleaveth unto light; mercy hath compassion on mercy and claimeth her own; justice continueth its course and claimeth its own; judgment goeth before the face of him who sitteth upon the throne and governeth and executeth all things.

This scripture sums up the reason why my thirty-second birthday party, was the happiest party that I have had in my entire life.

I firmly believe that the things that we spend our time on, and the people that we associate with daily; have great influence on the measure of depth, joy and experience that we have in our lives.

About a year and a half ago, as I had began writing a book about my beliefs; I was seeking more intelligence, wisdom, truth, light, and virtue. Because of the promptings that I was given to reach out for help on this book, my desires led me to attend Institute every week ( scripture study class ).

Truly, my life has been greatly blessed from the decision that I made, about where I would spend my time. I have formed a group of friends that I actually talk with on a daily basis, which is highly unusual for Mom's in a busy routine of taking care of their families. Each and everyday my life is blessed by these women, my amazing sisters........

Who has friends that decorate their house with streamers, balloons and banners for a girl who is not a kid- but thirty-two?!?  I am so blessed because I do!

Wendy Crow is one of the most special women that I have ever known....
                        Thank you Wendy, for letting me be a part of your life.... and for throwing me this amazing couples party!

                                                        Wendy Crow, and me...
        Wendy and I team taught a summer class on the New Testament, once a week last summer. Our class was held at the church. We called it a Bible Study and encouraged members of the church to invite their friends of all denominations, to gather together and study the ministry of Jesus Christ.

                           I was SO happy to have Kevin finally attend a birthday party with some of my friends that he had never even met! The added bonus was that he was able to meet their husbands as well!

                                            Annemarie and I are scripture study accountability partners.
                          I absolutely love to receive text messages and emails from Annemarie about the things that she is learning in the scriptures on a daily basis. It truly is one of the best parts of my day to hear her testimony and special scripture insights.

                                   Kathryn is my angel. I was blessed to be the first person that Kathryn ever attended the temple with. I have enjoyed being a part of Kathryn's spiritual growth, almost more than I have ever enjoyed anything in my entire life. Kathryn and I have vowed to live next to each other in the next life! ;

                                Two of my best friends with each other made me smile big!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Grandma Pack's Mothers Day 2015

We loved showing Grandma Pack love on Mother's Day! My camera died but we also gave her a Book of Mormon For Latter Day Saint Families to put on her table....Maybe I can add pictures later when my Dad adds them....

Grandma Pack cooks us the best Sunday meals and we look forward to going over there on every Sunday........

My greatest blessing on Mothers Day 2015

I think my favorite talk from the most recent General Conference was given by Bishop Gerald Causse. It was titled, " Is it still wonderful to you".

In his talk he explains how his family lived in Paris for twenty-two years. They were living in a place that many people travel to come visit, yet his family hadn't even gone to see the Eiffel Tower in that twenty-two years. He goes on to compare this to members who lived their lives immersed in the blessings of the gospel, and how they may be doing this same thing that his family did? They may be missing the wonders of the gospel as they have gone into auto-pilot.

I appreciated this statement from Bishop Causse's talk , "To marvel at the wonders of the gospel is a sign of faith. It is to recognize the hand of the Lord in our lives and in everything around us." 

I loved this talk because I agree! I marvel daily, in awe at the blessings that I have in the gospel. 

This Mother's Day I was so happy at the church with my children and my husband for the first hour, that I understand this was greater than even a visit to the Eiffel Tower to be in that special building each and every Sunday.
  I asked my parents to take a picture of me and my children outside the church because I understand that the buildings that we have, and all that goes on in our gospel is truly the biggest wonder of the world. 
His talk is how I feel....and so I loved it so much. 

The greatest gift that was mine on Mother's Day is that my daughter and son feel the same way that I do.  Will was even offered the chance to leave church and go with his Dad to run errands after the first hour of church. He declined! He partially did that because Brooke was staying and because Mommy was staying, but I know that in his heart he is happy often during the week he sings the church songs while we drive in the car, and tells me comments like, " Mommy, I love Jesus." 

Here are the sweet things that my children wrote in their gifts to me for Mother's Day:

Brooke said : 
My favorite thing to do with my Mom is read scriptures
I love my Mom more than all the bits of sand, plus all the stars in the galaxy
If I could buy my Mom any gift, I would buy her a pet
My Mom looks the prettiest when she goes to church
My Mom is awesome because she teaches me scriptures

Will said:
She gets me toys
she is nice
She buys me candy
She understands Spider man
She cares 
She loves me

                  Honestly, I know this isn't our best picture....but it doesn't matter to me because of where we are in it...and the blessings that we have therein....

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


                                       OUR TEN YEAR WEDDING ANNIVERSARY

To my lovely husband on our ten-year wedding anniversary. Are you sure it's only been ten years or are you still tricking me about what year it is?

You told me you won a bet this morning. Your friend Major bet we wouldn't even last a couple years being married,....and every year you keep winning that bet over and over ;)

Major didn't take into account to how stubborn that we both can be, and he didn't know how patient that you are....and he didn't know how much that I deeply love you....

Truly, I know we are so blessed to both believe in marriage so strongly..and the fact that we love each other is such a tremendous blessing in this cold world; where more than half of those whom get married end up divorced.

Kevin, You truly are so patient with me each and every day.

                       Thank you for re-loading the dishwasher for me so often, in order that the dishes can  all fit and get clean....

                       Thanks for putting stone bumbers into our garage, so that I don't run the car into the garage wall again.....

                        Thanks for endlessly being patient with me when I can't find my toothbrush so I just use yours. Fortunately, Aunt Amy gave us a solution- an alarm that's attached to items that get lost easily. I know it's annoying that I brush my teeth all over the house....

                       Thanks for protecting me from q-tips, and not allowing me to use them unless I request it from you, in order that my ear drums don't get damaged, as you think they are going to if you don't sit and watch how far I stick them in my ear....

                        Thanks for being patient with my very hot water preference, my turning up the heat habits in the car, and sometimes keeping it at 78 degrees in the house....

                      Thanks for always eating my left overs and anything that I don't want on my plate!

                      Thanks for bringing me home a soda many times, and with out my request.

                      Thanks for being so diligent in disciplining our children consistently.

                      Thanks for putting up with what you call " my obsessions ".

                      Thanks for making me laugh when you build funny things for our pets, or come up with strange ideas that no one else would think of....

                      Thanks for loving me even when you don't understand me....

                     Thanks for wanting to show our children what a well-rounded family looks like....

                      Thanks for teaching me about being patient and tolerant, as you always remind me that you are with me.....

                      Thanks for saying prayers with our family each night....

                      Thanks for trying your very best each and every day...I hope that I can be as diligent in trying my best too!

You have given me the two most beautiful and perfect children that I could ever have imagined.
You have forced me to be the very best person that I could possibly be with the help of my Savior Jesus Christ. Besides my Savior Jesus Christ, I have you to owe for helping me become the person that I am....

                                                                                          I love you forever....
                                                                                                          Emily Turano

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Declaring Your Gender To The World

    Although your Dad is pretty thrilled that he never has to worry about you not being masculine enough, lately your mannish ways are causing me some problems. I guess if it means that I never have to see you want to wear a dress, then I am okay with the public scenes you are making almost every time that we are in public!
With the family in town we had been going out quite a bit, and that means bathroom breaks are inevitable and frequent. No matter we went to the bathroom before we left home, it;s like the public toilets are more exciting to you little ones?

Will, you have been refusing to go into any bathroom with a dress outside the door. You say over and over , " I am not a girl! I do not want to go in the girls bathroom!" You have literally been doing the potty dance outside the bathroom door and still refuse to enter with me. Then I explain that I can't send you into the males bathroom alone, and that I am not going into a boys bathroom either. Of course you are so smart that you explain the unfairness of you going into a girls bathroom, yet I wont go into the men's as you say, " Well, you aren't a boy, and I am not a girl. "

Friday I literally picked you up and brought you into the bathroom with me and sat you on the toilet.
You are screaming, " I am not going to go, I am not going to go! " Of course I am thinking how horrible of a parent I seem like to the ladies in the stall next to us. Sitting on the toilet you say, " I am just going to hold it. I am holding it! I am holding it." I can hardly believe you were doing the potty dance outside the door and that you even have the ability to hold it once I set you on the toilet!?!

Finally, I just picked you up, carried you out again and said, " Okay, I guess you can just go potty all over yourself if you want." You then declare loudly to everyone as we walk past them at the restaurant, " I am not a girl. I am not a girl. "

I didn't want to deal with potty all over your thankfully I remembered that Nordstroms has a " Family Bathroom " with a picture of two grown ups and a child outside the door....and that's where you finally released your potty.

You sure go through a lot to declare your manhood Will......