Thursday, May 21, 2015

Mommy's Birthday Present

It was the day we were celebrating Mommy's Birthday. Daddy doesn't like taking family pictures, so Mommy knew if she wanted one, it would have to be a special occasion. 

The morning of the shoot was more than rainy...It was a flash flood warning, high wind advisory, kind of storm....

I thought my chance was ruined to get my most special family together for a picture on my birthday.

When the sun came out in the afternoon, it actually was like a gift to me. I considered it a gift from my Father in Heaven, in all honesty ;)

But, then there was Will.....

Why is it that kids can be so happy all day, and the moment you go to take family pictures, it's like you are asking them to eat vegetables?

               If you know Will at all....this is a very familiar face......and I hear it's hereditary ( uncle Jeff )

    Still not wanting to give Mommy a gift, that little stinker....but he's gorgeous even when he is grumpy!

                             Okay, see's not so bad, is it? Daddy, you too! It's not so bad???

                              And, we got it!!!! YAY!!!! We do have a picture perfect for our wall!

                                     Oh my goodness! Is that a smile Kevin? I think it is!!! ;)

                      There is my McDreamy, that's what they call you in the grocery store, right Kevin?

                                OH, my princess Brooke....You are even more beautiful on the inside....

                     Mom and Dad - And our expressions really do present our personalities quite accurately ....

                                       That's us!!! Aren't you glad I made you all do this????

                                                   Kevin 45, Brooke 9, Emily 32, Will 4
          ( Actually Kevin, are you 45, or 46? I lose track, and I don't care about your age, so stop worrying about it! )

                                           Brooke, your future is unimaginably bright.....

                                              What a great birthday present! Thank you Kevin!!!!

                                                    I was telling Kevin a joke in this picture....
                 Will decided pictures aren't so bad, but he's really concentrating on it. I think he's trying to remember how to put on a forced smile ;) I am so glad you ended up trying to make me happy Will!

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