Sunday, May 17, 2015

Will Makes Me Laugh


If I didn't know better, I'd think you were the Tooth Fairy yourself, the way you kept begging me to get my wisdom tooth out after I mentioned that it was hurting. You were so interested in which tooth it was that was so " wise" and going to come out of my mouth. You kept asking me, " Show me what tooth they are going to take out."

Well, when we got to the dentist office, because I wanted to talk to them about taking my wisdom tooth out....although you were sitting in the waiting area with Brooke, and as I left you, you seemed content with the show that was playing on my tablet....You suddenly were in the room with me, and you had not come to talk to me, but talk with the dentist! You said to her, " I really need my Mom's tooth after you take it out. I am going to give it to the Tooth Fairy."

You are so smart Will. You are confident that you almost know every question that you could ask a prophet if you met one.

As we were driving in the car a few days ago, you blurted out randomly, " I really love the prophets Mom." I said, " I do too. " You said, " But, I really want to meet one." I was so pleased that you were fantasizing about meeting a prophet, and not about meeting someone like Spider Man anymore.
I decided I loved this conversation, and I wanted to know more. I asked, " So, Will if you could meet a prophet, which one would you like to meet? " You said, " Well, Captain Moroni, or Nephi." I said, " Which one? " You said, " Nephi, he's the best, he got the plates." I said, " I love him too...what would you ask him? " You were unusually silent. I did not realize you were really pondering this until you told me your answer.

Because it was silent I said, "Well, would you like to ask Nephi how he got the plates? " You said,     " No, I know how he got the plates...He prayed, and God helped him." I said, " You are right! Do you want to know about the ship that he built? " He said, " No, he doesn't know how to build it, God showed him."  At that point I was feeling like a dummy...I was thinking your little head was probably saying "Duh Mom, can't you think of something I don't know, that I could ask the prophets? "

Well, then I knew I wasn't dumb, because you, my offspring, and you asked  the most intriguing  question..

Your silence stopped, and you said, " I would ask Nephi what his last name is? "

You are so thoughtful Will. After a trip to the library with some friends this past Friday, we were driving home in the car. You asked me, " Mommy, how do blind people read? " Why you were thinking about blind people I do not know? But, I was glad to explain that they could read with bumps that were put on a page to form letters, and it was called Brail. You had never heard this word, and you were very bothered that you didn't how to say it correct. You kept asking me over and over to say the word, and asking where to find it. I finally diverted you, by telling you that mostly blind people just listened to books on CD.

Every day you remind me of how special and thankful that I am to be your Mom my dear sweet Will. I love everyday that I get to spend with you, and by the way, I brought my pulled wisdom tooth home for you yesterday. You said, " The Tooth Fairy is going to know that's not my tooth." I tried to help you out Will ;) I told you she wouldn't mind, but you were dead set on not liking how my tooth looked and you knew for sure that the Tooth Fairy could not be fooled because the tooth is so much bigger than yours, hahaha!


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