Saturday, May 30, 2015

Planning His Future

Will is only four-years old, but lately he seems to be wishing he was twenty-five!
   Over the past couple weeks Will has been planning his future! It's quite impressive that he has been thinking about these kinds of things, and letting me know what I can expect from him, is even more surprising!

We were at the bank a few days ago and Will said to me, " Why did you talk to her Mommy? She is a stranger." I said, " Well, I am a grown up and grown ups have to talk to strangers."

Later in the day Will explained to me, " Well, I decided that I am going to be a Police Man when I grow up because I don't want my friends to not talk to me anymore. Police Men are good guys, so the kids can talk to them."

Apparently Will was imagining growing up himself, but hadn't considered that his friends would grow up too!

A few days later, as we were driving in the car ......

Wills said to me, " Ugh Mommy I can't close my eyes! "

 I said, " Why can't you close your eyes? Are you tired? "

He said, " I wont be able to learn how to drive if I close my eyes! If I can't see how to drive, then I wont be able to drive when I grow up! "

I said, " Will it's okay if you are tired. Just close your eyes."

 He said, " I am not tired! I can't see because of the sun in my eyes! "

I guess Will needs some sunglasses so he can continue his driving course! The only problem is, if you know me, you know that I am not the best driving instructor! ( driving over curbs )

Will has made it known almost every other day this week that when he gets married he is not going to kiss his wife.

 I have no idea why Will is thinking of getting married, because I don't talk about that...but I have learned one thing from this...Will has been putting up with my kisses.

 Apparently he doesn't like them!

 When I asked why he doesn't want to kiss when he gets married, he says, " I just do not like getting lip gloss on me! I am not a girl and it's wet! "

Will....I am so glad this is written down now! ;)  I will be pulling this out when you are a teenager, so that I can remind you how you don't want to kiss girls!

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