Wednesday, May 6, 2015


                                       OUR TEN YEAR WEDDING ANNIVERSARY

To my lovely husband on our ten-year wedding anniversary. Are you sure it's only been ten years or are you still tricking me about what year it is?

You told me you won a bet this morning. Your friend Major bet we wouldn't even last a couple years being married,....and every year you keep winning that bet over and over ;)

Major didn't take into account to how stubborn that we both can be, and he didn't know how patient that you are....and he didn't know how much that I deeply love you....

Truly, I know we are so blessed to both believe in marriage so strongly..and the fact that we love each other is such a tremendous blessing in this cold world; where more than half of those whom get married end up divorced.

Kevin, You truly are so patient with me each and every day.

                       Thank you for re-loading the dishwasher for me so often, in order that the dishes can  all fit and get clean....

                       Thanks for putting stone bumbers into our garage, so that I don't run the car into the garage wall again.....

                        Thanks for endlessly being patient with me when I can't find my toothbrush so I just use yours. Fortunately, Aunt Amy gave us a solution- an alarm that's attached to items that get lost easily. I know it's annoying that I brush my teeth all over the house....

                       Thanks for protecting me from q-tips, and not allowing me to use them unless I request it from you, in order that my ear drums don't get damaged, as you think they are going to if you don't sit and watch how far I stick them in my ear....

                        Thanks for being patient with my very hot water preference, my turning up the heat habits in the car, and sometimes keeping it at 78 degrees in the house....

                      Thanks for always eating my left overs and anything that I don't want on my plate!

                      Thanks for bringing me home a soda many times, and with out my request.

                      Thanks for being so diligent in disciplining our children consistently.

                      Thanks for putting up with what you call " my obsessions ".

                      Thanks for making me laugh when you build funny things for our pets, or come up with strange ideas that no one else would think of....

                      Thanks for loving me even when you don't understand me....

                     Thanks for wanting to show our children what a well-rounded family looks like....

                      Thanks for teaching me about being patient and tolerant, as you always remind me that you are with me.....

                      Thanks for saying prayers with our family each night....

                      Thanks for trying your very best each and every day...I hope that I can be as diligent in trying my best too!

You have given me the two most beautiful and perfect children that I could ever have imagined.
You have forced me to be the very best person that I could possibly be with the help of my Savior Jesus Christ. Besides my Savior Jesus Christ, I have you to owe for helping me become the person that I am....

                                                                                          I love you forever....
                                                                                                          Emily Turano

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