Monday, May 11, 2015

My greatest blessing on Mothers Day 2015

I think my favorite talk from the most recent General Conference was given by Bishop Gerald Causse. It was titled, " Is it still wonderful to you".

In his talk he explains how his family lived in Paris for twenty-two years. They were living in a place that many people travel to come visit, yet his family hadn't even gone to see the Eiffel Tower in that twenty-two years. He goes on to compare this to members who lived their lives immersed in the blessings of the gospel, and how they may be doing this same thing that his family did? They may be missing the wonders of the gospel as they have gone into auto-pilot.

I appreciated this statement from Bishop Causse's talk , "To marvel at the wonders of the gospel is a sign of faith. It is to recognize the hand of the Lord in our lives and in everything around us." 

I loved this talk because I agree! I marvel daily, in awe at the blessings that I have in the gospel. 

This Mother's Day I was so happy at the church with my children and my husband for the first hour, that I understand this was greater than even a visit to the Eiffel Tower to be in that special building each and every Sunday.
  I asked my parents to take a picture of me and my children outside the church because I understand that the buildings that we have, and all that goes on in our gospel is truly the biggest wonder of the world. 
His talk is how I feel....and so I loved it so much. 

The greatest gift that was mine on Mother's Day is that my daughter and son feel the same way that I do.  Will was even offered the chance to leave church and go with his Dad to run errands after the first hour of church. He declined! He partially did that because Brooke was staying and because Mommy was staying, but I know that in his heart he is happy often during the week he sings the church songs while we drive in the car, and tells me comments like, " Mommy, I love Jesus." 

Here are the sweet things that my children wrote in their gifts to me for Mother's Day:

Brooke said : 
My favorite thing to do with my Mom is read scriptures
I love my Mom more than all the bits of sand, plus all the stars in the galaxy
If I could buy my Mom any gift, I would buy her a pet
My Mom looks the prettiest when she goes to church
My Mom is awesome because she teaches me scriptures

Will said:
She gets me toys
she is nice
She buys me candy
She understands Spider man
She cares 
She loves me

                  Honestly, I know this isn't our best picture....but it doesn't matter to me because of where we are in it...and the blessings that we have therein....

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