Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Holly Duenas

I received an un-expected visit on my actual birthday, and it just made my day because of who it was at my door with flowers! One of my best friends Holly came by for a visit, even though she is the Mom of a new baby, and has six children! She truly brought a huge smile to my face....I know what kind of sacrifice that was for Holly to show me love like this...and it really meant a lot.

 I am so happy that Holly and I we were able to get together for my birthday. It was so fun to have one on one time with her, since she couldn't be at the bigger gathering..... Thank you Holly for your example of being a wonderful Mom. Thanks for always being so patient with me, and for always loving dessert with me! Holly is awesome to eat dessert with because she loves it as much as I do! No matter what, Holly and I always have tons of fun together when we are together...We were for sure meant to be friends ;)

Holly Duenas has been my friend for about six years. The kind of friends that you know will always be there, and that knows your weaknesses, but sees the best in you anyways, are a treasure and a blessing.

I love you Holly Duenas! :)

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