Thursday, May 14, 2015

My Thirty-Second Birthday Party

D&C 88: 40 :For intelligence cleaveth unto intelligence; wisdom receiveth wisdom; truth embraceth truth; virtue loveth virtue; light cleaveth unto light; mercy hath compassion on mercy and claimeth her own; justice continueth its course and claimeth its own; judgment goeth before the face of him who sitteth upon the throne and governeth and executeth all things.

This scripture sums up the reason why my thirty-second birthday party, was the happiest party that I have had in my entire life.

I firmly believe that the things that we spend our time on, and the people that we associate with daily; have great influence on the measure of depth, joy and experience that we have in our lives.

About a year and a half ago, as I had began writing a book about my beliefs; I was seeking more intelligence, wisdom, truth, light, and virtue. Because of the promptings that I was given to reach out for help on this book, my desires led me to attend Institute every week ( scripture study class ).

Truly, my life has been greatly blessed from the decision that I made, about where I would spend my time. I have formed a group of friends that I actually talk with on a daily basis, which is highly unusual for Mom's in a busy routine of taking care of their families. Each and everyday my life is blessed by these women, my amazing sisters........

Who has friends that decorate their house with streamers, balloons and banners for a girl who is not a kid- but thirty-two?!?  I am so blessed because I do!

Wendy Crow is one of the most special women that I have ever known....
                        Thank you Wendy, for letting me be a part of your life.... and for throwing me this amazing couples party!

                                                        Wendy Crow, and me...
        Wendy and I team taught a summer class on the New Testament, once a week last summer. Our class was held at the church. We called it a Bible Study and encouraged members of the church to invite their friends of all denominations, to gather together and study the ministry of Jesus Christ.

                           I was SO happy to have Kevin finally attend a birthday party with some of my friends that he had never even met! The added bonus was that he was able to meet their husbands as well!

                                            Annemarie and I are scripture study accountability partners.
                          I absolutely love to receive text messages and emails from Annemarie about the things that she is learning in the scriptures on a daily basis. It truly is one of the best parts of my day to hear her testimony and special scripture insights.

                                   Kathryn is my angel. I was blessed to be the first person that Kathryn ever attended the temple with. I have enjoyed being a part of Kathryn's spiritual growth, almost more than I have ever enjoyed anything in my entire life. Kathryn and I have vowed to live next to each other in the next life! ;

                                Two of my best friends with each other made me smile big!

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