Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Amy, Andy, Sydney and FISH

Amy, my younger sister and family came to visit all the way from Alaska this past week. Amy is due to have a baby boy in December. It was such a nice visit. We were all sad to see them leave. It was cute to see Sydney and how big she has gotten, now two and a half! Brooke was in heaven with Sydney around. They were two peas in a pod. ( more to come about that )

We celebrated the occasion of having Amy, Andy and Sydney with us, by going see one of the first things that brought this very awesome and very compatible couple together....FISH! Amy and Andy love to scuba dive. Their sparks of love first swam  in a BYU college pool, where Andy was one of Amy's scuba instructors. After they were married, Amy and Andy, even went to finish college in Hawaii, where they could scuba dive all the time. Their adventure for the new, has now taken them to Alaska, but I bet eventually they move back to the ocean.

We had a really nice time at the brand new aquarium. Will absolutely LOVES fish. In fact, one of Wills first words, following DA DA, kitty, and woof woof, was fish. He squeals with delight and says " ish, ish, ish " whenever he sees fish! He was a little disappointed the first time we visited this aquarium, because he couldn't grab the fish in his hands, the way Daddy lets him grab hold of the fish, in the tank that we have at home. 

1 comment:

  1. We need to go check out that aquarium. Looks like fun. York loves fish too!
