Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Second in Command

So I must brag on Brooke a little bit. It isn't everyday that you meet a child like Brooke, that consistently offers amazing efforts to behave, and thrives on learning new things. It is especially exciting to have your own flesh and blood, exhibiting outstanding qualities at school.

Brooke has gone from emotional tears, to second in command.

 Brooke came home a few days ago, and  iimpudently reported, that she is the best behaved in the class, and she knows that her teacher trusts her. She explained that her teacher asked her to go down the hall way, to another teachers classroom, to bring the teacher to her classroom, when one misbehaved boy, needed to be escorted to the principals office.

A few days after this event, Brooke was excited one morning. She boldly stated that she was to be the teachers helper that day. She explained that her teacher talked to her the day before, and asked her, if she would help the subsitute teacher, that would be filling in for her the following day.

After going to check Brooke out early from school because my little sister Amy was coming into town, and when the principal and vice principal were in the office and knew who Brooke Turano was, by mention of her name, it was pretty clear that Brooke is impressing more than just her teacher. Before Brooke arrived in the office, the principal told me that she had been spending a lot of time in Brooke's class room. ( One student was moved out of the class because of false accusations of the teacher. ) She commented that Brooke was adorable and always such a helper, and well behaved in the classroom.

Brooke has never once come home with a mark lower than great job on the behavior chart, and most always it is excellent.

Of course I never expected anything less from Brooke, but I had to express how proud that I am to be her mother.

1 comment:

  1. go brooke go!!! you should be proud and tell the whole world!(thats what i do!) :) she is a wonderful little girl.
