Monday, October 17, 2011

State Fair 2011

Kevin got off of work early one day, a week ago, so that we could go the the Texas State Fair. It was so nice to be there on a Wednesday afternoon, with out any crowd, and still plenty was going on at the fair. It really was a great fair experience, for our little family.

Will was amused with something interesting to look at, in every direction. He loved passing by the games, looking at all the huge stuffed animals. He liked it even better when Brooke got to play a game, and he got to stick his hands in the water that was full of rubber ducks.

Brooke loved being reminded about the fair, in the movie, Charlotte's Web. They even had the pigs, that were to be judged in a very convenient spot this year. Brooke asked if the little girl that was showing her pig, owned the pig, when it was a baby? The little girl told her, that in fact, she did raise the pig from a baby. Will learned how to snort like a pig from this experience of the pigs, up close and personal. At first, Will seemed shocked to see the pig. I think it was because he and I play with a toy pig every day. He didn't expect to see a pig that big!

In the petting zoo, Brooke loved feeding a baby lamb. Kevin practiced a technique he was researching, about how to pet an ostrich. I didn't catch it on camera, but he actually grabbed the ostrich by the neck and began to pet the head of it. Kevin claimed that ostrich liked it, but I am not so sure about that. One on- looker enjoyed seeing an ostrich getting petted on the head, and another one, look appalled, when he saw Kevin grab the ostrich neck. I thought it was worth a try, to test out the technique he saw on TV.

The dog show was not very impressive, but the acrobats were stunning! I was worried all the stunts they were doing on ladders, might give Will some new climbing ideas, but it didn't.

I asked Brooke what her favorite part about the fair was, and she said, " Riding in the big bear, with our whole family in it, was the best!" I actually got very dizzy on this huge spinning bear ride. It calmed Will down for some reason? After we rode that spinning ride, Will was very relaxed and just soaking in all the entertainment.

The state fair is a family tradition for our family. Kevin and I loved the year that 7-11 had Slurpee's at the state fair. And Slurpee's at the state fair, meant that Dad had unlimited free tickets. We went the fair three times that year. I was pregnant with Brooke. It was great fun. We were sad to hear that 7-11 took the Slurpee tent out  after two years of doing it.

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