Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Captain Hook is My Brother

As the little sister of my brother Allen, It would be a surprise for me that he had turned away from " the dark side"  since he hated the good guy" role,  in all of my favorite Disney movies, that I watched as a child.

 It isn't a surprise at all, that his life would become a real battle, since that was what we were constantly playing. Even him, as a teenager and myself just in grade school.
 Bad guys, versus good guys, every day. 

And my name, was Peter Pan. And he was Captain Hook. Plus, I must mention his added advantage, that Amy, was his sidekick " Smee. " She would respond to his every beckoning call, to tickle my feet, so that I couldn't get away from him messing up my hair, or fight him back.

Every day there would be wrestling, and bouts back and forth about who was stronger, and who was going to win the next fight.

We call him " Paul " in our house, even though at school, he was Allen.
 He and Amy called him " Hook " and he walked around our house, with his pointer finger curled up, just like a hook. He flung his hook at me every time I walked past. With a smile on his face, he would say, " Next time you are going to walk the plank, Peter Pan ! "

I never minded being called "Peter Pan" , because I watched the end of the movie. Peter Pan won, and never grew up ;)  I loved having my older brother play into a child's movie, so that we could play together.

My Brother Allen is a true American hero. He was in the Marines from 1998-2008. He also graduated from college at BYU, as a Political Science Major.  He graduated in the top of his class and had many promotions, that eventually lead him to become a Captain ( platoon commander) over seeing fourteen tanks, and the men in them,  in the Iraq war. He served as a captain in Iraq twice, once in 2003, while his wife Sarah was pregnant with Landon. ( He barley made it back for Landon's birth ). He went back in 2004 for six months, when Landon was just a baby.

When we found out that he was being sent to Iraq, our family was in complete fear, that eventually grew our faith in prayer. We were so thankful both times, that he came back safely. The first time he was in Iraq, we never knew where he was, and we only knew that he wore the chemical warfare suits, because it was believed that they had chemical weapons in Iraq. We knew how intelligent Paul is, so we were glad he was in charge. We all respect him and admire him for his patriotism, and devotion to our country.

My brother's work ethic, intelligence, physical stamina, and loyalty, are only a few of the qualities that the military world, his church leaders, and our family have come to recognize in my brother.

My brother now serves the country in another way. And his life, is truly like all the movies that we watch for entertainment.

My brother's family came to visit a few weeks ago. We were in heaven having them here. We did lots of fun things, but the best time was just playing at home. Brooke loved playing with Nicole, Landon and Tru. Will met them for the second time, and was giving all of them hugs, by the end of the week.  Their new addition to their family " Hailey " the dog, was the nicest, most gentle dog we have ever met too! Will couldn't stop laying on her, and giving her hugs.

                  Tru ( 4 yrs ), Hailey ( the dog ) , Nicole ( 10 yrs ), Landon ( 8yrs ), William and Brooke

                   Will chased all the kids around, and was trying to get any affection and attention he could get

                                                 Will and Tru, were having a bonding moment 

              Landon loved all of Brooke's ideas to find crystals in the backyard, to hide things, and trick people

                                                                Grandpa is very loved

                                                Nicole and Brooke, both love to do art work

Brooke and Tru liked playing Barbies together

                                           Will could not get his paws of of this precious puppy

1 comment:

  1. i'm grateful for your brother and the other men and women like him that serve our nation!! how awesome to have him as your bro!
